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Found 38 studies with search of: "Rivastigmine"
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1 Recruiting Convenience, Tolerability, and Safety of Change in the Administration of Rivastigmine From Capsules to a Transdermal Patch in Patients With Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease
Condition: Alzheimer's Disease
Interventions: Drug: rivastigmine transdermal patch;   Drug: rivastigmine transdermal patch;   Drug: rivastigmine capsules
2 Not yet recruiting A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Crossover Study of Repeat Rivastigmine (Exelon®) Administration in Young Healthy Male Volunteers
Condition: Rivastigmine Toxicity
Intervention: Drug: Rivastigmine
3 Recruiting Rivastigmine Prophylaxis in Elderly Patients Undergoing Major Surgery
Conditions: Postoperative Delirium;   Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction
Interventions: Drug: Rivastigmine Patch;   Other: Placebo Patch
4 Terminated Methylphenidate, Rivastigmine or Haloperidol in Hypoactive Delirium in Intensive Care Patients
Condition: Delirium
Interventions: Drug: Haloperidol;   Drug: Methylphenidate;   Drug: Rivastigmine;   Other: No intervention
5 Active, not recruiting A 24 Week, Multicenter, Open, Evaluation of the Clinical Effectiveness of the Once-Daily 10 cm2 Rivastigmine Patch Formulation in Patients With Probable Alzheimer's Disease (EXTRA)
Condition: Alzheimer's Disease
Intervention: Drug: Rivastigmine transdermal patch
6 Recruiting Long-Term Safety of Rivastigmine Capsule and Patch in Patients With Mild to Moderately-Severe Dementia Associated With Parkinson's Disease (PDD)
Condition: Dementia Associated With Parkinson's Disease
Interventions: Drug: Rivastigmine capsule;   Drug: Rivastigmine transdermal patch
7 Recruiting Efficacy of Rivastigmine in Patients With Down Syndrome
Condition: Down Syndrome
Intervention: Drug: Rivastigmine
8 Completed Safety of Switching From Donepezil to Rivastigmine Patch in Patients With Probable Alzheimer's Disease
Condition: Alzheimer's Disease
Interventions: Drug: Rivastigmine patch;   Drug: rivastigmine transdermal patch
9 Recruiting Rivastigmine for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Delirium
Condition: Delirium
Interventions: Drug: Rivastigmine;   Drug: Placebo
10 Enrolling by invitation Safety and Tolerability of Long-Term Treatment by Rivastigmine Transdermal Patch in Patients With Probable Alzheimer's Disease
Condition: Alzheimer's Disease
Intervention: Drug: rivastigmine transdermal patch
11 Not yet recruiting Study of Rivastigmine to Treat Parkinsonian Apathy Without Dementia
Conditions: Parkinson's Disease;   Apathy;   No Dementia
Interventions: Drug: rivastigmine;   Drug: placebo
12 Recruiting Efficacy Study for Treatment of Dementia in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Conditions: Progressive Supranuclear Palsy;   Dementia
Intervention: Drug: rivastigmine
13 Completed Rivastigmine Monotherapy and Combination Therapy With Memantine in Patients With Moderately Severe Alzheimer's Disease Who Failed to Benefit From Previous Cholinesterase Inhibitor Treatment
Condition: Alzheimer's Disease
Intervention: Drug: Rivastigmine, memantine
14 Completed RIVastigmine In Vascular cognitivE Impairment
Condition: Cognitive Impairment
Interventions: Drug: Exelon (rivastigmine);   Drug: Placebo
15 Active, not recruiting Rivastigmine in Mild Alzheimer's Disease, FMRI Study
Condition: Alzheimer' Disease
Intervention: Drug: rivastigmine
16 Completed Rivastigmine Capsules in Patients With Probable Vascular Dementia
Condition: Vascular Dementia
Intervention: Drug: Rivastigmine
17 Completed Efficacy and Safety of Rivastigmine in Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury and Cognitive Impairment
Condition: Traumatic Brain Injury
Intervention: Drug: Rivastigmine
18 Active, not recruiting Clinical Effectiveness of 10 cm2 Rivastigmine Patch in Patients With Alzheimer's Disease
Condition: Alzheimer's Disease
Intervention: Drug: Rivastigmine
19 Completed Efficacy and Safety of Rivastigmine Capsules in Patients With Probable Vascular Dementia
Condition: Vascular Dementia
Intervention: Drug: Rivastigmine
20 Recruiting Rivastigmine in Multiple Sclerosis Patients With Cognitive Impairment
Conditions: Multiple Sclerosis;   Cognitive Impairment
Interventions: Drug: Rivastigmine transdermal patch;   Drug: Placebo

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