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Found 9 studies with search of: "Oxymorphone"
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1 Completed Bioavailability of Oxymorphone Hydrochloride 40 mg Extended Release Tablets Under Fasted Conditions
Condition: Pain
Interventions: Drug: oxymorphone;   Drug: Oxymorphone
2 Completed Bioavailability of Oxymorphone Hydrochloride 40 mg Extended Release Tablets Under Fed Conditions
Condition: Pain
Interventions: Drug: oxymorphone hydrochloride;   Drug: Opana
3 Completed A Pilot Study of Switching From One Pain Medication to Another (Opioid Rotation)
Condition: Pain
Intervention: Drug: oxymorphone IV
4 Not yet recruiting Open-Label Safety and Tolerability Study of Oxymorphone for Acute Postoperative Pain in Pediatric Subjects.
Condition: Postoperative Pain
Intervention: Drug: Oxymorphone IR
5 Recruiting Open-Label Safety and Tolerability of Oxymorphone IR and ER in Opioid Tolerant Pediatric Subjects
Condition: Chronic Pain
Intervention: Drug: Oxymorphone ER - Opioid
6 Completed Efficacy and Safety of Oxymorphone Immediate Release in Post-Surgical Acute Pain
Condition: Acute Pain
Intervention: Drug: Oxymorphone immediate release
7 Completed Efficacy and Safety of Oxymorphone Extended Release in Opioid-Experienced Patients With Chronic Non-Malignant Pain
Condition: Chronic Pain
Intervention: Drug: Oxymorphone Extended Release
8 Recruiting Lumbar Stenosis Outcomes Research II
Condition: Neurogenic Intermittent Claudication
Interventions: Drug: Placebo;   Drug: Propoxyphene/acetaminophen;   Drug: oxymorphone hydrochloride
9 Completed Efficacy and Safety of Oxmorphone Extended Release in Chronic Non-Malignant Pain
Condition: Chronic Pain
Intervention: Drug: Oxymorphone Extended Release

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