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Found 3 studies with search of: "Opium"
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1 Recruiting Effects of Perioperative Belladonna and Opium Suppositories on Postoperative Pain and Morphine Consumption on Patients After Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy
Condition: Pain Management
Intervention: Drug: Belladonna and Opium Suppositories
2 Not yet recruiting Prospective Randomized Open Label Study of the Treatment of Therapy-Associated Diarrhea During Percutaneous Radiation Therapy of the Small Pelvis. - Comparison of Loperamide and Tincture of Opium -
Conditions: Diarrhea;   Enteritis;   Cancer
Intervention: Drug: Tinctura opii
3 Recruiting Buprenorphine for the Treatment of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Condition: Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Interventions: Drug: buprenorphine;   Drug: neonatal opium soln.

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