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Found 35 studies with search of: "Miotics"
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1 Active, not recruiting Oocyte Cryopreservation: The Impact of Cryopreservation on the Meiotic Spindle and Mitochondria of Human Oocytes.
Condition: Infertility
2 Completed Dose, Effects and Characteristics of Pilocarpine
Condition: Open-Angle Glaucoma
Interventions: Drug: Pilocarpine Concentration;   Drug: Pilocarpine Frequency
3 Recruiting Redox Determinants in Severe Asthma
Condition: Asthma
Interventions: Drug: triamcinolone;   Drug: albuterol;   Drug: methacholine PC20
4 Recruiting Carbachols Headache-Inducing Effect and Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow in Migraine Patients
Condition: Headache
Intervention: Drug: Carbachol
5 Completed Pharmacological Intervention in Insulin Resistance Targeting Autonomic Nerve Activity
Condition: Insulin Resistance
Interventions: Drug: Atropine;   Drug: Physostigmine;   Drug: Placebo Sodium
6 Completed Duration of Protective Effect From Inhaled Ipratropium Bromide on Methacholine Airway Hyperresponsiveness
Condition: Asthma
Interventions: Drug: ipratropium bromide;   Drug: placebo
7 Completed Bioequivalency Study of 5 mg Piolocarpine Tablets Under Fed Conditions
Condition: Dry Mouth
Intervention: Drug: Pilocarpine
8 Recruiting Acupuncture-Like Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (ALTENS) or Pilocarpine in Treating Early Dry Mouth in Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer
Conditions: Cancer-Related Problem/Condition;   Head and Neck Cancer
Interventions: Drug: pilocarpine hydrochloride;   Procedure: acupuncture-like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
9 Active, not recruiting The International Collaborative Exfoliation Syndrome Treatment Study
Conditions: Exfoliation Syndrome;   Glaucoma;   Ocular Hypertension
Intervention: Drug: Latanoprost with Pilocarpine vs Timolol or Cosopt
10 Completed Influence of Physostigmine on Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) in Postoperative Intensive Care Patients
Condition: Pain
11 Recruiting A Study Designed to Determine if the Pharmacokinetic Disposition of Inhaled Insulin Exposure is the Same for Asthmatics and Non-Asthmatics
Conditions: Asthma;   Diabetes Mellitus
Interventions: Drug: Technosphere Insulin Inhalation Powder;   Drug: Salbutamol (Albuterol);   Drug: Methacholine chloride
12 Completed Bioequivalency Study of 7.5 mg Pilocarpine Tablets Under Fasting Conditions
Condition: Dry Mouth
Intervention: Drug: Pilocarpine
13 Completed Body Plethysmograph Measurements Before and After Methacholine Challenge in Early Childhood
Condition: Asthma
14 Active, not recruiting Pilocarpine in Preventing Mucositis and Dry Mouth in Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer
Conditions: Cancer-Related Problem/Condition;   Head and Neck Cancer
Intervention: Drug: pilocarpine hydrochloride
15 Enrolling by invitation The Effect of Cataract Extraction on the Contractility of Ciliary Muscle
Conditions: Presbyopia;   Cataract
Intervention: Other: UBM with pilocarpine in presbyopia
16 Recruiting Methacholine Challenge: Comparison of Doubling and Quadrupling Methacholine Dose Regimes Using the Tidal Volume Method
Condition: Asthma
Intervention: Drug: Methacholine challenge
17 Not yet recruiting MethaCholine Bronchoprovocation Study (MeCIS)
Condition: Asthma
Intervention: Drug: fluticasone diskus
18 Completed Travaprost 0.004% Versus Pilocarpine 1% in Patients With CACG
Condition: Angle-Closure Glaucoma
Interventions: Drug: Travaprost 0.004% (Travatan);   Drug: Pilocarpine 1%
19 Completed A Comparison of Orally Pilocarpine and Artificial Saliva in Xerostomy Treatment
Conditions: Primary Sjogren;   Secondary Sjogren;   Xerostomia
Interventions: Procedure: pilocarpine;   Drug: Artificial Saliva
20 Not yet recruiting Physostigmine After General Anesthesia
Condition: Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
Interventions: Drug: physostigmine;   Drug: Isotonic sodium chloride solution

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