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Found 5 studies with search of: "Minoxidil"
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1 Recruiting Efficacy of Therapy With the Spironolactone Pills Compared to Minoxidil Lotion in Female Pattern Hair Loss
Condition: Female Pattern Hair Loss
Interventions: Drug: Spironolactone;   Drug: Minoxidil
2 Completed A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness and Safety of 5 Percent Minoxidil Foam in the Treatment of Male Pattern Hair Loss
Condition: Androgenetic Alopecia
Intervention: Drug: minoxidil
3 Recruiting Efficacy of Minoxidil in Children With Williams-Beuren Syndrome
Condition: Williams Beuren Syndrome
Interventions: Drug: Minoxidil;   Drug: Placebo
4 Terminated Pilot Study of the Treatment of VEGF-Signaling Pathway Inhibitor-Induced Hypertension
Condition: Treatment Induced Hypertension
Interventions: Drug: Minoxidil;   Drug: Hydralazine
5 Completed Renin-Guided Therapeutics in the Management of Untreated, Uncontrolled, or Complicated Hypertension
Condition: Hypertension
Interventions: Drug: clinical hypertension specialist-no specific med. Any anti-hypertension meds.;   Drug: renin guided therapeutics-no specific med. Any anti-hypertensive med.

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