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Found 132 studies with search of: "Methadone"
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1 Recruiting Methadone Pharmacokinetics and Cardiac Effects in Newborns
Conditions: Pain;   Analgesia;   Newborn
Interventions: Drug: Methadone;   Drug: Methadone
2 Completed Study of D-Methadone in Patients With Chronic Pain
Conditions: Pain;   Bladder Cancer;   Breast Cancer;   CNS Cancer;   Colon Cancer;   Esophageal Cancer;   Pancreatic Cancer;   Prostate Cancer;   Uterine Cancer;   Head and Neck Cancer;   Eye Cancer;   Otorhinolaryngologic Neoplasms
Interventions: Drug: d-Methadone;   Drug: d-Methadone;   Drug: d-Methadone;   Drug: D-methadone;   Drug: placebo
3 Not yet recruiting Combination of an Investigational Cannabinoid and Methadone for HIV-Associated Neuropathy
Conditions: HIV-Associated Neuropathy;   Polyneuropathy
Interventions: Drug: SAB378;   Drug: methadone;   Drug: SAB placebo;   Drug: Methadone placebo
4 Recruiting Methadone Versus Morphine for Orthopedic Surgery Patients
Conditions: Fracture Fixation;   Pain, Postoperative
Interventions: Drug: Methadone;   Drug: Morphine
5 Recruiting Methadone in Pediatric and Adult Sickle Cell Patients
Condition: Sickle Cell Disease
Interventions: Drug: Morphine;   Drug: Methadone;   Drug: Methadone
6 Completed Co-Administration Of Fosamprenavir With Methadone: A Drug Interaction Study.
Condition: Healthy Subjects
Intervention: Drug: fosamprenavir + ritonavir + methadone
7 Recruiting Treatment of Heroin and Cocaine With Methadone Maintenance and Contingency Management
Conditions: Opiate-Related Disorders;   Cocaine-Related Disorders
Interventions: Behavioral: Contingency Management;   Drug: Methadone dose;   Behavioral: Contingency management/Noncontingent incentives;   Drug: Methadone
8 Recruiting Comparison of A Single Dose Combination of Methadone and Morphine With Morphine Alone for Treating Post-Operative Pain
Condition: Pain
Interventions: Drug: Methadone;   Drug: methadone and morphine
9 Terminated Methadone Versus Morphine for Cancer-Related Pain
Conditions: Neoplasms;   Pain
Interventions: Drug: Methadone;   Drug: Morphine
10 Completed A Stepwise Strategy Utilizing Buprenorphine and Methadone
Condition: Heroin Dependence
Interventions: Drug: methadone;   Drug: buprenorphine / methadone sequence;   Behavioral: Relapse prevention;   Behavioral: Contingency management
11 Recruiting Methadone Maintenance & HIV Risk in Ukraine
Condition: Opioid Dependence
Intervention: Drug: Methadone
12 Recruiting Switching From Morphine to Oral Methadone Plus Acetaminophen in the Treatment of Cancer Pain
Conditions: Cancer;   Pain;   Palliative Care
Intervention: Drug: Methadone plus Acetaminophen or Placebo
13 Active, not recruiting Role of Methadone As Co-Opioid Analgesic
Condition: Pain
Interventions: Drug: Morphine;   Drug: Methadone
14 Not yet recruiting Combination Pain Therapy in HIV Neuropathy
Conditions: HIV Infections;   Peripheral Neuropathy
Interventions: Drug: Duloxetine;   Drug: Duloxetine placebo;   Drug: Methadone;   Drug: Methadone placebo
15 Recruiting Role of CYP2B6, CYP3A4, and MDR1 in the Metabolic Clearance of Methadone
Condition: Substance-Related Disorders
Interventions: Drug: midazolam(drug), digoxin (drug);   Drug: Bupropion (drug);   Drug: Methadone (drug)
16 Recruiting Buprenorphine and Methadone for Opioid Dependent Chronic Pain Patients
Condition: Opiate Addiction
Interventions: Drug: Methadone;   Drug: Buprenorphine/naloxone
17 Recruiting Morphine Versus Methadone As First Line Strong Opioid for Cancer Pain
Conditions: Advanced Cancer;   Solid Tumors
Interventions: Drug: Morphine;   Drug: Methadone
18 Completed Sublingual Methadone for the Management of Cancer Breakthrough Pain
Conditions: Cancer;   Pain
Intervention: Drug: Methadone
19 Completed Methadone Maintenance for Prisoners
Condition: Heroin Addiction
Interventions: Other: Counseling Only;   Drug: Counseling + Transfer;   Drug: Counseling + Methadone
20 Not yet recruiting Initialization of Methadone in Primary Care, Randomized Intervention Research for Preventing HCV Transmission Practices
Conditions: Hepatitis C;   Substance Dependence;   Methadone
Intervention: Drug: Methadone

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