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Found 21 studies with search of: "Dinoprostone"
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1 Completed 24-Hour Vaginal Dinoprostone Pessary Versus Gel for Labour Induction
Conditions: Labor, Induced;   Cervical Ripening
Interventions: Drug: Dinoprostone vaginal pessary;   Drug: Dinoprostone vaginal gel
2 Completed Safety/Efficacy Study Comparing the Misoprostol Vaginal Insert to Cervidil for Cervical Ripening and Induction of Labor
Conditions: Cervical Ripening;   Labor, Induced
Interventions: Drug: Misoprostol vaginal insert 100 mcg;   Drug: Misoprostol vaginal insert 50 mcg;   Drug: Dinoprostone vaginal insert (Cervidil)
3 Completed Labour Induction With Misoprostol, Dinoprostone and Bard Catheter
Condition: Pregnancy
Interventions: Drug: misoprostol;   Drug: dinoprostone;   Device: Bard Catheter (balloon catheter)
4 Completed Cervical Ripening Before Induction of Labour at Term: a Randomised Comparison of Prostin vs Propess
Conditions: Cervical Ripening;   Labor, Induced
Intervention: Drug: Prostaglandin E2
5 Completed Combined Agent Randomized Trial of Induction of Labor
Conditions: Labor Induction;   Cervical Ripening
Intervention: Drug: dinoprostone
6 Completed Comparison of Misoprostol and PGE2 Gel for Induction of Labour in Women With Premature Rupture of Membranes at Term
Condition: Premature Rupture of Membranes at Term
Interventions: Drug: Misoprostol;   Drug: PGE2 gel
7 Recruiting Reduced Intensity, Sequential Double Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Using Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)
Conditions: Hematologic Malignancies;   Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation
Interventions: Drug: Fludarabine;   Drug: Melphalan;   Drug: Antithymocyte Globulin;   Drug: Sirolimus;   Drug: Tacrolimus;   Other: Ex-vivo 16, 16 dimethyl-prostaglandin E2 expansion
8 Recruiting Comparison of Misoprostol and PGE2 Gel for Induction of Labour in Premature Rupture of Membranes at Term
Condition: Premature Rupture of Membranes at Term
Intervention: Drug: Misoprostol in arm A & PGE2 Gel in arm B
9 Not yet recruiting Comparing the Effect of Vaginal Misoprostol With Dinoprostone in Term Pregnancies
Conditions: Preeclampsia;   Fetal Death;   Fetal Membranes, Premature Rupture
Interventions: Drug: misoprostol;   Drug: dinoprostone
10 Completed Trial Of Misoprostol And Dinoprostone Vaginal Pessaries for Cervical Priming (TROMAD Study)
Condition: Induction of Labour
Intervention: Drug: Misoprostol
11 Completed Headache Inducing Characteristics and Possible Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow After Administration of PGE2
Conditions: Headache;   Migraine
Intervention: Drug: PGE2
12 Active, not recruiting A Comparison Between Two Modes of Cervical Ripening for Patients With Oligohydramnion at Term
Condition: Cervical Ripening
Interventions: Device: double balloon catheter;   Drug: prostaglandins E2
13 Completed Post Term Pregnancy - Induction of Labor or Monitoring of Pregnancy
Condition: Newborn Diseases
Intervention: Drug: Induction:Misoprostol, Dinoprostone, amniotomy, Oxytocin
14 Recruiting Urinary Prostaglandin E Metabolite (PGE-M), A Metabolite of Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2): A Novel Biomarker of Crohn's Disease Activity
Condition: Crohn's Disease
Interventions: Procedure: Fecal calprotectin;   Procedure: Urinary PGE-M Level
15 Completed Aqueous Concentrations and PGE2 Inhibition of Ketorolac 0.4% vs. Bromfenac 0.09% in Cataract Patients
Condition: Cataract
Intervention: Drug: ketorolac 0.4%, bromfenac 0.09%
16 Completed Aqueous Concentrations and PGE2 Inhibition of Ketorolac 0.4% vs. Bromfenac 0.09% in Cataract Patients: Trough Drug Effects
Condition: Cataract
Intervention: Drug: Acular, Xibrom
17 Completed A Study to Determine Whether Urinary PGE-M Levels Correlate With Ulcerative Colitis Disease
Condition: Ulcerative Colitis
Interventions: Procedure: Urinary PGEm level;   Procedure: fecal calprotectin
18 Completed Barrett's Esophagus - 315 - 3 Way Cross Over
Condition: Barrett's Esophagus
Interventions: Drug: Esomeprazole;   Drug: Aspirin;   Drug: Rofecoxib
19 Recruiting Healthy Eating for Colon Cancer Prevention
Condition: Colon Cancer
Interventions: Behavioral: Healthy People 2010 Diet through dietary counseling;   Behavioral: Mediterranean Diet through dietary counseling
20 Terminated Therapeutic Study of ONO-4819CD for Ulcerative Colitis
Condition: Ulcerative Colitis
Intervention: Drug: Rivenprost (drug)

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