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Found 24 studies with search of: "Colesevelam"
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1 Completed Effects of Colesevelam on How the Body Responds to Insulin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes
Interventions: Drug: Colesevelam;   Drug: Colesevelam matching placebo;   Drug: Insulin glargine (Lantus)
2 Completed Study to Compare Welchol and TriCor to TriCor Alone in Patients With High Cholesterol
Conditions: Hypercholesterolemia;   Hyperlipidemia, Familial Combined
Interventions: Drug: colesevelam HCl tablets and fenofibrate tablets;   Drug: fenofibrate tablets and Welchol placebo tablets;   Drug: fenofibrate tablets and Welchol placebo tablets
3 Completed Effects of Three Drugs (Colesevelam HCl, Rosiglitazone, and Sitagliptin) on Control of Blood Glucose and Lipids (e.g., Cholesterol) Will be Examined in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Whose Blood Glucose is Not Completed Controlled With the Diabetes Drug Metformin
Conditions: Type 2 Diabetes;   Hyperlipidemia
Interventions: Drug: Colesevelam HCl;   Drug: colesevelam tablets;   Drug: rosiglitazone;   Drug: sitagliptin phosphate
4 Completed Effects on Colesevelam HC1 (WelChol®) on Insulin Sensitivity in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Interventions: Drug: Colesevelam hydrochloride;   Drug: placebo
5 Completed A Study to Determine the Effect of WelChol Tablets on Cholesterol in Patients Who Have Been Taking Atorvastatin for at Least 4 Weeks.
Condition: Hypercholesterolemia
Interventions: Drug: colesevelam HCl tablets, and atorvastatin tablets;   Drug: colesevelam HCl placebo tablets and atorvastatin tablets
6 Completed A Study to Determine the Effect of WelChol Tablets on Cholesterol in Patients Who Have Been Taking Simvastatin for at Least 4 Weeks.
Condition: Hypercholesterolemia
Interventions: Drug: colesevelam HCl tablets, and simvastatin tablets;   Drug: simvastatin tablets and colesevelam HCl placebo
7 Active, not recruiting Effects of Metformin HCl in Combination With Colesevelam HCl, Compared to Metformin HCl Alone, in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Not Previously Treated With Drug Therapy, and the Effects of Colesevelam HCl on Lipids and Glucose in Patients With Pre Diabetes
Conditions: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus;   Hypercholesterolemia;   Pre-Diabetes
Interventions: Drug: Colesevelam HCl;   Drug: Metformin HCl
8 Recruiting Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Evaluate Carotid Artery Plaque Composition in People Receiving Cholesterol-Lowering Medications (The CPC Study)
Conditions: Coronary Artery Disease;   Carotid Artery Diseases;   Atherosclerosis
Interventions: Drug: Atorvastatin;   Drug: Extended Release Niacin;   Drug: Colesevelam;   Drug: Placebo Niacin;   Drug: Placebo Colesevelam
9 Completed Mechanisms of Glucose Lowering Effect of Colesvelam HCl
Condition: Diabetes
Interventions: Drug: Colesevelam HCL;   Drug: Placebo
10 Recruiting Colesevelam Versus Placebo in Cholestatic Pruritus
Condition: Chronic Liver Disease
Interventions: Drug: colesevelam;   Drug: placebo
11 Completed A Study to Assess Any Potential Interaction Between Colesevelam and Ciclosporin in Healthy Volunteers
Condition: Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Intervention: Drug: Colesevelam hydrochloride film-coated tablets (Cholestagel)
12 Active, not recruiting A Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Patients With Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Taking Colesevelam as Add-on Therapy to Their Existing Medication
Condition: Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Interventions: Drug: Colesevelam hydrochloride film-coated tablets;   Drug: Placebo
13 Completed Effects of Colesevelam HCl On Bile Acid Kinetics
Conditions: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus;   Impaired Glucose Tolerance
Intervention: Drug: Colesevelam HCl
14 Completed A Study to Determine the Effect of WelChol Tablets on Cholesterol in Patients Who Have Been Taking Pravastatin for at Least 4 Weeks.
Condition: Hypercholesterolemia
Interventions: Drug: pravastatin tablets and Welchol tablets;   Drug: pravastatin tablets and Welchol placebo tablets
15 Completed Efficacy and Safety of Colesevelam in Pediatric Patients With Genetic High Cholesterol
Condition: Hypercholesterolemia
Interventions: Drug: colesevelam HCl;   Drug: placebo
16 Completed Effect of Combination Therapy With Two Drugs (Colesevelam and Ezetimibe) in Patients With High Cholesterol
Condition: Hypercholesterolemia
Interventions: Drug: Colesevelam Hydrochloride;   Drug: Ezetimibe;   Drug: Simvastatin
17 Completed WelChol® With Metformin in Treating Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes
Intervention: Drug: Colesevelam hydrochloride
18 Completed WelChol® and Insulin in Treating Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes
Intervention: Drug: Colesevelam hydrochloride
19 Completed WelChol® and Sulfonylurea in Treating Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes
Intervention: Drug: Colesevelam hydrochloride
20 Completed Long-Term Study of Safety and Efficacy of WelChol® as an Additional Therapy in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes
Intervention: Drug: Colesevelam hydrochloride

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