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Found 57 studies with search of: "Cathartics"
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1 Completed
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Laxative Effectiveness of a Phytotherapeutic Tea
Condition: Chronic Constipation
Interventions: Other: Placebo;   Other: Klein Laxative Tea
2 Available Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Laxatives for Children With Urge Syndrome
Condition: Urge Syndrome
Intervention: Drug: Miralax
3 Completed A Pilot Efficacy Evaluation of BLI-801 as a Laxative in Constipated Adults
Condition: Constipation
Interventions: Drug: BLI-801;   Drug: BLI-801;   Drug: BLI-801;   Drug: BLI-801
4 Enrolling by invitation Cathartic-Free DECT Colonography
Condition: Colonic Polyps
5 Recruiting Comparison of TCM and Laxatives for Adults With Chronic Constipation
Condition: Chronic Constipation
Interventions: Drug: Chinese herbal formula (CCH1);   Drug: Duphalac
6 Completed PolyethyleneGlycol3350 Laxative Vs Placebo in Constipated Children
Condition: Constipation
Intervention: Drug: polyethyleneglycol3350
7 Completed Extended Use of Polyethyleneglycol3350 Laxative in Constipated Patients
Condition: Constipation
Intervention: Drug: polyethyleneglycol3350
8 Completed Effect of Postoperative Laxative on Bowel Function After Colonic Surgery
Condition: Colonic Cancer
Interventions: Drug: Magnesia;   Drug: Placebo
9 Completed Study Comparing PEG 3350 Laxative to Placebo in the Treatment of Occasional Constipation (Study CL2007-12)(COMPLETED)
Condition: Constipation
Interventions: Drug: Polyethylene glycol 3350;   Other: Placebo, maltodextrin 500 powder for solution
10 Completed Moviprep® Versus Fleet Phospho-Soda® (Golden Standard): A Study That Compared Two Laxatives on Patients Undergoing Colo-Rectal Cleansing Prior to an Abdominal Operation
Condition: Colorectal Cleansing Prior Operation
Interventions: Drug: Moviprep®;   Drug: Fleet
11 Recruiting MoviPrep® Versus HalfLytely®, Low-VolUme PEG Solutions for Colon Cleansing: An InvesTigator-blindEd, Randomized, Trial
Condition: Colonoscopy
Interventions: Other: MoviPrep Kit;   Other: HalfLytely and Bisacodyl Tablets Bowel Prep Kit
12 Completed Randomized Clinical Trial of Bisacodyl Versus Placebo on Postoperative Bowel Motility in Elective Colorectal Surgery
Condition: Postoperative Ileus
Interventions: Drug: bisacodyl;   Drug: glucosemonohydricum
13 Not yet recruiting Internet Intervention for Childhood Encopresis
Condition: Encopresis
Interventions: Behavioral: Internet Intervention + Stepped Care;   Behavioral: Internet Intervention;   Behavioral: Patient Education Website
14 Completed The Effects of Nexium on the Side Effects Associated With a Colonoscopy Prep
Conditions: Nausea;   Vomiting;   Abdominal Pain
Intervention: Drug: esomeprazole (PPI)
15 Completed Comparison of PolyethyleneGlycol and Placebo for Relief of Constipation From Constipating Medications
Condition: Constipation
Intervention: Drug: polyethyleneglycol3350
16 Recruiting Comparison of Bowel Preparation in VC - Patient Experience
Condition: Colorectal Cancer
Intervention: Drug: bowel preparation: senna & gastrofin vs. picolax (standard)
17 Completed To Determine the Effect of Forlax® Treatment in Children With Chronic Constipation Who May Also Suffer From Soiling/ Faecal Incontinence.
Condition: Chronic Constipation
Interventions: Drug: PEG 4000 (Forlax®);   Drug: Lactulose active and Lactulose placebo
18 Active, not recruiting Safety and Effectiveness Study of a Fiber Supplement for Weight Loss
Conditions: Overweight;   Obesity
Interventions: Dietary Supplement: Glucomannan;   Dietary Supplement: Inert microcrystalline cellulose
19 Recruiting Study to Evaluate the Effects of Psyllium on Blood Glucose
Condition: Healthy Men
Interventions: Dietary Supplement: 3.4 g psyllium;   Dietary Supplement: 6.8 g psyllium;   Dietary Supplement: 6.8 g psyllium;   Other: Meal
20 Completed Continuous Infusion of Dexamethasone Plus Tramadol Adjunct to Morphine PCA After Abdominal Hysterectomy
Conditions: Postoperative Pain;   Post Operative Analgesia;   Patient-Controlled Analgesia;   Abdominal Surgeries
Interventions: Drug: Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Injection;   Other: 0.9% Saline

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