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Found 223 studies with search of: "Benzocaine"
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1 Recruiting Benzocaine Gel Toothache Dose-Response Study
Condition: Toothache
Interventions: Drug: Placebo gel;   Drug: benzocaine;   Drug: benzocaine
2 Recruiting Comparative Efficacy of 20% Benzocaine Versus TAC Alternate Gel
Conditions: Dental Pain;   Postoperative Pain
Interventions: Drug: benzocaine;   Drug: TAC alternate gel
3 Completed Efficacy and Tolerability of Ambroxol Lozenge 20 mf in Relieving Pain of Sore Throat in Pat. With Acute/Viralpharyngitis
Condition: Pharyngitis
Interventions: Drug: Ambroxol hydrochloride (Mucoangin?);   Drug: benzocaine
4 Not yet recruiting Trial of Low and High Intensity Strategies to Maintain BP Control
Condition: Hypertension
Interventions: Other: High Intensity Intervention;   Other: Low Intensity Intervention;   Other: All- 6 month pharmacist intervention
5 Completed Dietary Supplements and Personal Energy Tracking Device to Promote and Maintain Healthy Weight
Conditions: Overweight;   Obesity
Interventions: Behavioral: Dietary supplement containing vitamins, minerals, and herbs;   Behavioral: Shakes with nutrients and herbs;   Behavioral: Control dietary supplement;   Behavioral: Isocaloric, isonitrogenous control shakes without herbs;   Behavioral: Personal energy tracking tool
6 Completed A Fish Oil Supplement to Maintain Body Weight in Patients With Disease-Related Weight Loss
Conditions: Cancer;   Cancer Cachexia;   Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease;   Chronic Heart Failure;   Rheumatoid Arthritis
Intervention: Drug: Fish oil supplement
7 Completed Safety Dermatological Evaluation: Acceptability With Odontological Follow up - Cepacol Teen.
Condition: Hygiene
Intervention: Drug: Cetylpyridinium chloride
8 Recruiting Development of a Web-Based Course to Maintain Skills in Nurses Trained to Screen for Dysphagia
Conditions: Deglutition Disorders;   Dysphagia;   Stroke
Interventions: Other: TOR-BSST© Refresher Training;   Behavioral: Periodic feedback by SLP
9 Completed Safety Oral Mucosa Evaluation - Acceptability With Odontological Follow up - Cepacol Canela Power
Condition: Healthy
Intervention: Drug: Cetylpyridinium chloride
10 Not yet recruiting Effect of Exendin-(9-39) On Glucose Requirements To Maintain Euglycemia
Condition: Congenital Hyperinsulinism
Intervention: Drug: Exendin-(9-39)
11 Completed Mesalamine Pellet to Maintain Remission of Mild to Moderate Ulcerative Colitis
Condition: Ulcerative Colitis
Interventions: Drug: Granulated mesalamine;   Drug: Placebo
12 Completed Mesalamine Pellet Formulation to Maintain Remission of Mild to Moderate Ulcerative Colitis
Condition: Ulcerative Colitis
Interventions: Drug: Granulated mesalamine;   Drug: Placebo
13 Terminated Can Tadalafil Maintain Erectile Function In Patients Treated With Radiotherapy For Prostate Cancer?
Conditions: Prostate Cancer;   Erectile Dysfunction
Intervention: Drug: tadalafil
14 Not yet recruiting Efficacy of a Naturally-Derived Mouthrinse for Gingival Inflammation
Condition: Gingivitis
Interventions: Drug: Herbal API;   Drug: Cepacol;   Drug: Listerine Antiseptic Mouth Rinse;   Drug: placebo mouthwash
15 Not yet recruiting Study of Protease Inhibitor Regimen Switch in HIV-1 Infected Patients With Undetectable Viral Load to Prove the Non-Inferiority of Once Daily Dose Regimen Versus the Current Twice Daily Regimen to Maintain the Viral Load Under the Limit of Detection.
Conditions: HIV-1 Infection;   HIV Infections
Intervention: Drug: darunavir
16 Completed KULeuven Intensive Insulin Therapy Study in Medical Intensive Care Patients
Condition: Critical Illness
Intervention: Drug: intensive insulin therapy to maintain normoglycemia
17 Recruiting Self-Care Behaviour Treatment in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes - a Randomised Controlled Trial
Condition: Diabetes
Intervention: Behavioral: An individual motivational intervention program to promote and maintain self-care behaviour
18 Terminated The Effects of DexMed and Desflurane on Carotid Patients
Condition: Carotid Artery Stenosis
Interventions: Drug: Remifentanil;   Drug: Dexmedetomidine;   Drug: Remifentanil and Desflurane;   Drug: Desflurane;   Drug: Dexmedetomidine and Desflurane
19 Completed A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Activity of a New Phosphate Binder (SBR759) in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease on Hemodialysis
Condition: Chronic Kidney Disease
Interventions: Drug: SBR759;   Drug: SBR759;   Drug: SBR759;   Drug: SBR759;   Drug: SBR759;   Drug: SBR759;   Drug: SBR759
20 Recruiting Renal Protective Effects of Benazepril and Valsartan in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
Condition: Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
Interventions: Drug: Benazepril;   Drug: Valsartan;   Drug: Benazepril plus Valsartan;   Drug: Control

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