Los Alamos National Laboratory


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February 09 Issue - Employee Monthly Magazine

My View

Roland Knapp: Thumbs up on FY08 performance

S. Peter Gary
Photo by Sandra Valdez

Thanks to all of you, last year was a remarkable one for the Laboratory. Despite budget uncertainties and constraints, we achieved outstanding performance in mission delivery and made significant breakthroughs in national security science tools. At the same time, we boosted operational performance, especially in safety, security, and environment.

Our performance earned the highest recognition from the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), namely, a year's extension of the Los Alamos National Security, LLC contract--until September 30, 2014. Clearly, we're on the right course.

More than a year ago, we negotiated with NNSA our performance objectives and measures in mission, science, operations, business, and management. The Lab's annual self-assessment, facilitated by the Contractor Assurance Office, provided NNSA key input on how we were doing in all of these areas. We also held monthly meetings with the Los Alamos Site Office to review our performance and identify customer concerns, which we then worked to resolve. These meetings were orchestrated by the Prime Contract Management Office and led by the deputy director. Through this transparent process, we strengthened our partnership with the Site Office and improved integration across the many Laboratory organizations that needed to work in concert to meet the performance targets on which we were evaluated.

What I find so remarkable is the balance and breadth of our collective accomplishments over the past year. These ranged from Roadrunner, the world's fastest supercomputer, to the First Production Unit for the W76-1 and the second axis of DARHT, the world's most powerful X-ray machine. We also reduced lost-time accidents by more than 30 percent, produced seven W88 pits, increased our number of peer-reviewed publications by nearly two-thirds, shipped more transuranic waste than the previous two years combined, reduced serious security incidents by more than half, recovered more than 2,250 excess radioactive sources from sites around the world, and achieved our first audit without a finding by the New Mexico Environment Department.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea.

We still have significant opportunities for improvement, but through our joint efforts, we'll make the Laboratory an even better place to work, with continued outstanding levels of performance.

--Roland Knapp, Contractor Assurance Officer

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