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Found 12 studies with search of: Nepal
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1 Recruiting Leprosy Skin Test Antigens Trial
Condition: Leprosy
Interventions: Drug: MLCwA;   Drug: MLSA-LAM;   Drug: Placebo;   Drug: RT-23;   Drug: Tuberculin, Purified Protein Derivative (Tubersol®)
2 Recruiting Therapeutic Zinc in Childhood Pneumonia
Condition: Pneumonia
Intervention: Drug: Zinc (zinc sulphate)
3 Completed Community Trial of Newborn Skin and Umbilical Cord Cleansing on Neonatal Mortality in Nepal
Condition: Neonatal Mortality
Interventions: Behavioral: Newborn skin cleansing with 0.25% chlorhexidine solution;   Behavioral: Cleansing of umbilical cord with soap and water solution;   Behavioral: Cleansing of umbilical cord with 4% chlorhexidine
4 Active, not recruiting Efficacy, Acceptability and Cost-Effectiveness of Long Lasting Insecticide Nets (LLIN) in the Prevention of Kala Azar
Conditions: Visceral Leishmaniasis;   Kala Azar
Intervention: Device: Long Lasting Impregnated Nets (LLIN)
5 Active, not recruiting Dose-Ranging Study of an Ophthalamic Solution in Patients With Loss of Visual Function Due to Age-Related Nuclear Cataract
Condition: Nuclear Cataract
Interventions: Drug: LiquiTears;   Drug: C-KAD Ophthalmic Solution;   Drug: C-KAD Ophthalmic Solution;   Drug: C-KAD Ophthalmic Solution
6 Completed CHIZAP: Community- and Health Facility-Based Intervention With Zinc as Adjuvant Therapy for Childhood Pneumonia
Condition: Pneumonia
Intervention: Drug: Zinc
7 Recruiting Multicenter Trial for the Evaluation of a Fixed Dose Combined Tablet for the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Condition: Tuberculosis
Intervention: Drug: combined fixed dose combination
8 Completed Ultraviolet Exposure, Antioxidant Use and Skin Erythema at Extreme High Altitude
Conditions: Altitude;   Ultraviolet Rays;   Antioxidants;   Oxidative Stress;   Erythema
9 Completed Effect of Chlorhexidine Cleansing on Skin Flora of Newborns in Nepal
Condition: Bacterial Infection
Intervention: Procedure: skin cleansing with chlorhexidine (0.25%, 0.5%, 1%)
10 Completed Community Trial of Zinc Supplementation on Preschool Child Mortality and Morbidity in Southern Nepal
Condition: Nutrition
Interventions: Drug: zinc sulphate dietary supplement;   Drug: iron sulphate-folic acid dietary supplement
11 Completed A Safety and Efficacy Study of the Hepatitis E Vaccine in Nepal.
Condition: Hepatitis
Intervention: Biological: Hepatitis E vaccine, recombinant (Sar 56 kDa)
12 Not yet recruiting Cookstove Replacement for Prevention of ALRI and Low Birthweight in Nepal
Condition: Acute Lower Respiratory Illness
Intervention: Other: Improved cookstove with exterior ventilation

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