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Found 4 studies with search of: "Atelectasis"
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1 Recruiting Dornase Alpha Versus Hypertonic Saline for Lung Atelectasis in Non-Cystic Fibrosis Patients
Condition: Atelectasis
Interventions: Drug: Normal saline:;   Drug: Hypertonic Saline;   Drug: Dornase alpha
2 Completed Atelectasis During Delivery - Comparing Cesarian (c) -Section and Labor
Conditions: Delivery, Obstetric;   Cesarean Section;   Labor;   Respiration Disorders;   Atelectasis
Intervention: Radiation: CT scan
3 Recruiting Validation of Coregistered CT-PET Imaging in Determining Tumor Volume and Atelectasis in Patients With Operable Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer and Tumor Associated Atelectasis
Condition: Carcinoma, Non Small Cell Lung
Intervention: Procedure: CT-scan, PET-scan
4 Recruiting Does High Intraoperative Inspired Oxygen Reduce Postoperative Arterial Oxygen Saturation?
Condition: Atelectasis
Interventions: Procedure: compare this group to three remaining groups;   Procedure: assessment of need of postoperative oxygen;   Procedure: assessment of oxygen need;   Procedure: assessment of oxygen need

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