

July 22nd, 2011

Researching now a day is very easy not like before. If you want to search something you need to borrow books in the library or even buy one. Aside from borrowing you have to read one by one to find what you are looking for. And if you decide to buy a book for your research it will cost you a lot especially if the information is not enough and you need to buy another one. Sometimes it takes many books to find what you are looking for. Not only it will cost you a lot but also it will take a lot of your time searching. Because of the modern technology and with the help of internet, researching is now very easy.  The traditional way we know with encyclopedia is written by one writer or as a collaborative work, but the new ones are being put together by a group of writers who haven’t seen each other or don’t know each other. There are also encyclopedia that are published in CD-Rom form. And now the most latest in their family, the online encyclopedia. The most important advantage of this is it can be edited as often as needed that is way it remain up to date. If in case there are new or need to be change it is easy not like in a book if it already written in a book and there are need to be change or new update it can’t be edited.

Student, teacher and other research alike can benefit from online encyclopedia. Like for a student, it is much faster to use this in research than to spend a lot of time in a library. The student can just type the encyclopedia they want in a search phrase. After that the student will be shown a number of articles associated with the research they need. They will have much information to choose from in just a matter of minutes not like when researching in a library that will take hours and hours. They will also receive the most updated information. Especially if there are any new update about a certain article or topic, changes will be reflected by the online reference materials unlike with printed materials like it is impossible to change it unless they will reproduce new one and can cost a lot of money. Using these printed materials by the students, they might get information that has been long out of date. And if the teacher is using this online encyclopedia he or she able to connect with his or her students.

The most famous and popular online encyclopedia is the Wikipedia. In Wikipedia anyone can contribute information, but there are scholars attest that there is some inaccurate information. The founder of this admits that there is some information that is inaccurate but there are more you can find that is accurate or fact. It has been concluded that Wikipedia is almost as factually accurate as Encyclopedia Britannica (an encyclopedia that has been replicated online and considered to be legitimate) and Encarta. With the help of this online encyclopedia researching is much easier and fun.