Screen reader users: Look for the link below the main navigation to view the navigation links as a bulleted list instead of an expandable menu. Arrow pointing to below image, credit follows Sky Lakes Wilderness, Oregon (Rogue River - Siskiyou National Forest)
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Partnering Organizations partner logos: Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, College of Forestry and Conservation's Wilderness Institute at the University of Montana
University of Montana Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute Wilderness Institute Bureau of Land Management Fish and Wildlife Service Forest Service National Park Service


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    Wilderness and Environmental News

    On 3/30/09 President Obama signed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 (Public law 111-11) into law. This law designates 52 new wilderness areas and adds acreage to 26 existing areas, a total addition to the NWPS of over 2 million acres. Although they are not yet pictured on's maps, you can view a list of these areas.

    Lawmakers bicker over wilderness plan
    Thursday, May 7 9:13 AM

    House Republicans blasted a wide-reaching wilderness bill Tuesday and ridiculed its most high-profile supporter, singer Carole King.

    GOP members of the House Natural Resources Committee said the bill would make residents of five Western states "feel the Earth move under their feet" as land is transferred from publicly accessible parks and forests to off-limits wilderness.

    USDA: Career conservationist picked to oversee Forest Service
    Thursday, May 7 8:52 AM

    President Obama nominated a career Agriculture Department employee yesterday to a political post overseeing the Forest Service and farmland conservation programs.

    If confirmed by the Senate, Homer Lee Wilkes -- currently the Mississippi state conservationist and a 28-year veteran of USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) -- would be undersecretary for natural resources and environment. The post directs the Forest Service and conservation projects at NRCS.

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