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Found 9 studies with search of: "Simethicone"
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1 Completed The Effectiveness of Simethicone In Improving Visibility During Colonoscopy
Condition: Colonoscopy
Interventions: Drug: Simethicone;   Drug: Placebo
2 Completed Bioequivalence Study of Loperamide Hydrochloride 2 mg and Simethicone 125 mg Tablet Under Fasting Conditions
Condition: Healthy
Intervention: Drug: Loperamide HCl 2 mg and simethicone 125 mg tablets
3 Recruiting A Comparison of Three Medications to Treat Diarrhea in Adults.
Condition: Diarrhea
Interventions: Drug: Loperamide/simeticone 2 mg/125 mg caplets;   Drug: Loperamide/simeticone 2 mg/125 mg chewable tablets;   Drug: Probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii 250 mg capsules
4 Completed Study to Determine the Best Way to Measure How Quickly the Drug Can Give Relief From Sudden Diarrhea
Condition: Diarrhea
Interventions: Drug: loperamide-simethicone;   Drug: matching placebo
5 Active, not recruiting Validation of Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures for the Assessment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Symptoms
Conditions: GERD;   Acid Reflux Disease;   Heartburn;   Regurgitation
Interventions: Drug: AZD3355;   Drug: Placebo;   Drug: Aluminum/Magnesium/Simethicone
6 Completed Efficacy and Safety of Meteospasmyl® in Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Condition: Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Interventions: Drug: alverine citrate and simeticone;   Drug: placebo
7 Recruiting A Study Evaluating Efficacy And Safety Of PF-04523655 Versus Laser In Subjects With Diabetic Macular Edema
Conditions: Diabetic Retinopathy;   Diabetes Complications
Interventions: Procedure: Laser Treatment;   Drug: PF-04523655 high;   Drug: PF-04523655 middle;   Drug: PF-04523655 low
8 Completed Utility of Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Use in Skin Abscess Management
Condition: Skin Diseases, Infectious
Interventions: Drug: Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole;   Drug: Placebo group
9 Recruiting Fluconazole Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Candidiasis in Infants Less Than 750 Grams Birthweight
Conditions: Candidiasis;   Neonate
Interventions: Drug: fluconazole;   Drug: placebo

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