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National Wetlands Research Center

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Weekly Highlights


From: Susan Horton
Subject: Weekly Highlights, USGS National Wetlands Research Center, July 31 2006


USGS Scientist Speaks at Coastal Protection Meeting: On July 26, USGS scientist Virginia Burkett and National Wetlands Research Center director Greg Smith participated in a meeting of the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Burkett made a presentation on the Mississippi River and the Bird’s Foot Delta. The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority is charged with creating a master plan that integrates Louisiana’s coastal restoration and hurricane protection efforts. The CPRA core members include the Louisiana Governor’s Office of Coastal Activities, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Transportation and Development and various levee board representatives. (Susan Horton, Lafayette, LA, 337-266-8655)

Press Inquiries/Media

USGS scientist Tommy Michot was interviewed about the availability of duck and goose habitat by the Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) for a story on the fall migration and hunting season for waterfowl in south Louisiana.

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