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To: Pat Schassburger
From: Susan Horton
Subject: Biology Highlights for National Wetlands Research Center, Aug. 16, 2004

I. Department/Bureau News

B. Current

Coastal America Partnership Award Includes USGS: Coastal America, a consortium of 13 Federal agencies and numerous state and nongovernmental partners, recently announced that the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA; also known as the Breaux Act) Task Force had been chosen to receive the 2004 Coastal America Partnership Award. USGS scientists Jimmy Johnston, Greg Steyer and Scott Wilson and USGS contractor Gabrielle Bodin who serves as Outreach Coordinator for the Breaux Act Task Force were honored for their "outstanding efforts to restore and protect the coastal environment" of Louisiana. James Connaughton, Chair of the President's Council on Environmental Quality and Chair of the Coastal America Principals Group, presented the award on behalf of President George W. Bush at an August 18 ceremony in New Orleans. (Susan Horton, Lafayette, LA, 337-266-8655)

USGS Assists Texas Wildlife Conservation: USGS scientist Carroll Cordes represented USGS at the 2004 Texas Wildlife Diversity Conference, August 18-20, at Texas State University (San Marcos). Cordes has been active in identifying and promoting USGS science initiatives in the East Texas Piney Woods and Coastal regions of Texas and in coordinating these initiatives with appropriate federal and state partners. Federal, state and nongovernmental wildlife professionals came together to develop a Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, part of a wildlife grant program that would be funded through the National Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA). Carroll Cordes, Lafayette, 337-266-8653)

II. Press Inquiries/Media

USGS provided a photograph of a Louisiana "ghost swamp" which will be used in the college textbook Environmental Geology by Carla Montgomery. The photo showed a cypress swamp killed by saltwater intrusion in the New Falgout Canal area.

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