Welcome to the IAEWS

The International Association of Employment Web Sites is the trade association for the global online employment services industry. We proudly represent our Members among the more than 40,000 employment sites that serve job seekers, employers and recruiters worldwide.

What are employment Web-sites?

They are job boards and career portals operated by:

  • commercial enterprises;
  • newspapers;
  • radio and television stations;
  • trade and professional magazines and publications;
  • professional associations and societies;
  • college, university, and trade/technical school alumni organizations; and
  • affinity groups.

Today, job boards and career portals serve virtually every profession, craft and trade, in every industry, in every country of the world.

What do job boards and career portals do?

For Job Seekers

Employment Web-sites provide some or all of the following services and features:

  • Access to employment opportunities in the job seeker’s home town and around the world.
  • Private, automated notification of job openings that match their employment objective.
  • Information about effective job search techniques on the Internet and off.
  • Resources for a successful job search, such as resume writing assistance and interviewing guides.
  • Links to additional job search resources located at other sites.
  • Skills for effective career self-management.
  • Resources for career success (e.g., assessment tests, peer-to-peer discussion forums).
  • Skills training and certification in individual career fields and select topics.
  • Links to additional career management resources located at other sites.
  • Information and resources for a better work-life balance.

For Employers and Recruiters

Employment Web-sites provide some or all of the following services and features:

  • A platform for advertising their organization’s employment opportunities locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
  • A way to differentiate and promote their organization among job seekers.
  • Rapid access to the resumes and/or profiles of individual workers.
  • Automated notification of a posted resume that matches a recruiting requirement.
  • An effective mechanism for networking online and building relationships with prospective candidates.
  • A means of generating candidate referrals.
  • Information about and instruction in effective online recruiting techniques.
  • An ever widening array of recruiting support services, such as candidate screening, background checking and resume management.

Why is the International Association of Employment Web Sites important to you?

Members of the association commit to adhering to the highest standards of customer service, personal information security, and reporting accuracy. They strive to provide the best experience possible for all of those who use their services. Their goal is to be The Sources of SuccessTM for working men and women everywhere and for the organizations that seek to recruit and hire them.

We invite you to explore our site and to get to know our industry, our Association and its Members better. To read the latest news from our Members, please click here.

How Can You Recognize an Association Member’s Site on the Internet?

IAEWS Member Seal Only Members of the Association may post the Association’s logo, shown to the left, on their sites. It is your assurance that the Web-site you are visiting is among the elite of the online employment services industry.


The IAEWS Benchmarking Survey
Why Your Job Board Should Participate

For more information or to participate in the 2012 Survey, click here to contact the IAEWS Executive Director.

IAEWS 2013

Spring Member Congress
April 15, 2013 San Diego, CA USA

Fall Member Congress
October 15, 2013 Chicago, IL USA