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EcoFOCI 2009 Winter Seminar Series

When: Wednesdays at 10 am (with exceptions listed under specific talks)
Where: NOAA Western Regional Center
            7600 Sand Point Way, NE
Questions? Contact Wei Cheng or Dan Cooper

Wednesday, February 4
Jim Overland
What did we learn about the future of the Arctic from the major loss of sea ice in summer of 2008?
Bldg. #3, Oceanography Room

Wednesday, February 11, 11:00am
Nick Bond, UW/JISAO
On the Use of Climate Models to Anticipate Future Ocean Conditions for North Pacific Fisheries
Bldg. #3, Oceanography Room

Wednesday, February 18
Isaac Kaplan, NMFS/NWFSC
The Atlantis Ecosystem Model for California Current Groundfish Fisheries
Bldg. #3, Oceanography Room

Wednesday, February 25
Phyllis Stabeno, NOAA/PMEL
70-meter isobath in the Bering Sea
Bldg. #3, Oceanography Room

Wednesday, March 4
Muyin Wang, UW/JISAO
Sea ice extent in the Bering Sea: the past, present and the future
Bldg. #3, Oceanographer Room

Wednesday, March 11
Carol Ladd, NOAA/PMEL
The Rise and Fall of Jellyfish in the Bering Sea
Bldg. #3, Oceanographer Room

Wednesday, March 18
Tracey Smart, NOAA/AFSC
From Slope to Surface: Early Life History and the Distributions of Two Marine Invertebrates
Bldg. #3, Oceanographer Room

Wednesday, March 25
William Stockhausen, NOAA/AFSC
Predicting recruitment for flatfish in the EBS: Can we improve on OSCURS?
Bldg. #3, Oceanographer Room

Wednesday, April 8
Matt Wilson, NOAA/AFSC
The First Annulus of Otoliths: a useful tool for studying recruiment of walleye pollock in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Bldg. #3, Oceanographer Room

Wednesday, April 15
Janet Duffy-Anderson, NOAA/AFSC
title The influence of habitat and competition on productivity of capelin and walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska.
Bldg. #3, Oceanographer Room

All interested persons are invited!

Links to previous FOCI Seminar Series:
2006   Winter - Fall 2007   Winter - Fall 2008   Winter - Fall
2003   Winter - Fall 2004   Winter - Fall 2005   Winter - Fall
2000   Winter - Fall 2001   Winter - Fall 2002   Winter - Fall
1997   Winter - Fall 1998   Winter - Fall 1999   Winter - Fall

NOAA FOCI Project Office
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, Washington 98115
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