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3-Port Criteria Files...

Draw Clearing Limits Into Plan View
  Draws clearing limit lines into a plan view dgn file based on the information from a standard Geopak clearing report.
Draw Clearing Limits Into Cross-Sections and Create Staking Report
  Draws clearing limit lines into a cross-section dgn file and also creates an ASCII NEZ-Station clearing limits staking report. The distance left and right of centerline for the clearing limit lines is based on the information from a standard Geopak clearing report.
Compare Surveyed Points to TIN Surface
  Compares the elevations of a set of surveyed points to the surface of a tin file and reports the results both graphically and in an ASCII file.
Draw Curve Widening Lines Into Plan View
  Draws curve widening lines into a plan view design file based on AASHTO 2001 Green Book Exhibit 3-51. The curve widening lines are used by the standard criteria files to widen the pavement in proposed cross-sections.
Draw Slope Stake Report Cross-Sections
  Draws lines representing the information from the FHWA slope staking report onto proposed cross-sections to aid in spot checking.
Draw Red/Blue Top Report Cross-Sections
  Draws lines representing the information from the FHWA red/blue top reports onto proposed cross-sections to aid in spot checking.
Draw Milepost Stationing in Plan View
  Draws milepost stationing consisting of a tick mark plus the corresponding text "MP x.x" every 0.1 mile along a baseline chain.


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