Slope Selection...


Draws the cut/fill slopes from the subgrade shoulder point out to the catch point.  Specifically, this criteria can draw the following cases:

define variables that must be assigned values in the input data file: define_dgn variables that must be assigned values in the input data file: Variables that must be defined in exceptions data file:
  • none
General notes for fh_ss3.x10:
  1. All of the variables listed above must be defined in the proposed cross-section input file when fh_ss3.x10 is used.  Even if a variable refers to a feature that won't be used, it still much be defined in the input file.  In addition to the required variables listed above, there are several optional variables that the user may define in the input file to take advantage of optional features available in fh_ss3.x10  such as benched cut slopes or compound cut slopes. These optional variables are listed in the sections below.
  2. All nine "cut slope n"/"cut height n" pairs and all nine "fill slope n"/"fill height n" pairs must be defined in the proposed cross-section input file, even if the user doesn't need to use all of them to define all the design cut/fill slopes.
  3. "cut slope [1-9]" values are defined in the input file using the standard GEOPAK slope format.  For example, for a Metric job 1:4 defines a RISE:RUN cut slope up and away from centerline. For an English job, the same slope would be defined as 4:1 (RUN:RISE).  The "cut slope [1-9]" values should be ordered so that they always go  from flatter  to steeper slopes.
  4. The "cut height [1-9]" values are the maximum vertical height above the ditch hinge point for the corresponding  cut slope. If "cut slope n" doesn't catch the existing ground within this height, then "cut slope n+1" is checked, etc., until a cut slope is found that catches within the specified height.
  5. The typical slope selection process defined by the "cut slope n"/"cut height n" pairs can be overridden with the _d_cut_slope_lt and _d_cut_slope_rt in the exceptions data file (for fixed cut slope ratios within a station range) or with the _d_bench_lt and _d_bench_rt variables in the exceptions data file (for a benched cut within a station range).
  6. "fill slope [1-9]" values are defined in the input file using the standard GEOPAK slope format.  For example, for a Metric job -1:5 defines a RISE:RUN fill slope down and away from centerline. For an English job, the same slope would be defined as 5:-1 (RUN:RISE). Notice the RISE portion of the slope specification for either Metric or English will always be a negative value.  Also, the "fill slope [1-9]" values should be ordered so that they go from flatter to steeper slopes.
  7. Text size for all the labels placed by this criteria is set with the define "text size" nnn (where nnn is the desired text size) statement in the input file. (The "text size" value applies to the labels created by all the criteria files.)
  8. Slope labels placed by this criteria are formatted as follows by default:
    • Percent slope labels always have two decimal places (e.g., 2.00%, 3.45%)
    • RUN:RISE slopes and RISE:RUN slope labels
      • have no decimal places for "even" slopes (e.g., 2:1)
      • have two decimal places for "odd" slopes (e.g., 1:1.50, 3.33:1)

    The number of decimal places in these labels can be set by the user by defining in the input file the variables "percent_dec_places" (for percent slope labels) and "slope_dec_places" (for RUN:RISE or RISE:RUN) to the desired number of decimal places.

Typical Cut Slope Selection Details

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Notes for typical cut slope selection:
  1. There are nine "cut slope n"/"cut height n" pairs, and all nine pairs  must be defined in the proposed cross-section input file, even if the user doesn't need to use all of them to define all the design cut slopes.
  2. "cut slope [1-9]" values are defined in the input file using the standard GEOPAK slope format.  For example, for a Metric job 1:4 defines a RISE:RUN cut slope up and away from centerline. For an English job, the same slope would be defined as 4:1 (RUN:RISE).  The "cut slope [1-9]" values should be ordered so that they always go  from flatter  to steeper slopes.
  3. The "cut height [1-9]" values are the maximum vertical height above the ditch hinge point for the corresponding cut slope. If "cut slope n" doesn't catch the existing ground within this height, then "cut slope n+1" is checked, etc., until a cut slope is found that catches within the specified height.
  4. The typical cut slope selection process defined by the "cut slope n"/"cut height n" pairs can be overridden with the _d_cut_slope_lt and _d_cut_slope_rt in the exceptions data file (for fixed cut slope ratios within a station range) or with the _d_bench_lt and _d_bench_rt variables in the exceptions data file (for a benched cut within a station range). Both the _d_cut_slope_[lt,rt] and _d_bench_[lt,rt] are also expressed using the standard GEOPAK slope format of RISE:RUN for Metric jobs and RUN:RISE for English jobs.

Typical Fill Slope Selection Details

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Notes for typical fill slope selection:
  1. There are nine "fill slope n"/"fill height n" pairs, and all nine pairs must be defined in the proposed cross-section input file, even if the user doesn't need all of them to define all the design fill slopes.
  2. "fill slope [1-9]" values are defined in the input file using the standard GEOPAK slope format.  For example, for a Metric job -1:4 defines a RISE:RUN fill slope down and away from centerline. For an English job, the same slope would be defined as 4:-1 (RUN:RISE).  Notice the RISE portion of the slope specification for either Metric or English will always be a negative value. Also, the "fill slope [1-9]" values should be ordered so that they always go  from flatter  to steeper slopes.
  3. The "fill height [1-9]" values are the maximum vertical distance below the subgrade shoulder point for the corresponding fill slope. If "fill slope n" doesn't catch the existing ground within this height, then "fill slope n+1" is checked, etc., until a fill slope is found that catches within the specified height.
  4. The typical fill slope selection process defined by the "fill slope n"/"fill height n" pairs can be overridden with the _d_fill_slope_lt and _d_fill_slope_rt in the exceptions data file for fixed fill slope ratios within a station range. The _d_cut_slope_[lt,rt] values are also expressed using the standard GEOPAK slope format of RISE:RUN for Metric jobs and RUN:RISE for English jobs.

Daylight to Shoulder Details

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Notes for daylight to shoulder:
  1. "daylight slope" can be either a (RISE:RUN for Metric jobs) or a RUN:RISE (for English jobs) or a percent slope (for either Metric or English). The standard GEOPAK sign convention for slopes applies here, so RISE:RUN slopes will be expressed as -1:RISE and RUN:RISE slopes will be expressed as RUN:-1.
  2. The user can effectively eliminate all daylight to shoulder cut slopes by setting the "daylight width" define variable to a small value (e.g., 0.01).

Daylight to Ditch Details

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Notes for daylight to ditch:
  1. The daylight to ditch feature is optional and is toggled off by default. To activate it, the user must define "daylight to ditch max width" to a value greater than 0 in the input file.
  2. "daylight to ditch slope" can be either a RISE:RUN (for Metric jobs) or a RUN:RISE (for English jobs) or a percent slope (for either Metric or English). The standard GEOPAK sign convention for slopes applies here, so RISE:RUN slopes will be expressed as -1:RISE and RUN:RISE slopes will be expressed as RUN:-1.

Ditch Foreslope Intercept Details

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Notes for ditch foreslope intercept:
  1. The ditch foreslope intercept feature is turned on by default (i.e., Case 1 above). The user may optionally turn this feature off for station ranges by setting _d_force_ditch_lt and/or _d_force_ditch_rt to 1 in the exceptions data file. For example,
    if sta >= 1+000 r 1 and sta <= 2+000 r 1 then
    _d_force_ditch_lt = 1

    in the exceptions data file would turn off the ditch foreslope intercept feature on the left side from Sta. 1+000 thru 2+000.

  2. When the ditch foreslope option is turned on (Case 1), it will be drawn only if the following conditions are met:
    • ditch hinge point is below existing ground
    • ditch foreslope intersects existing ground between subgrade shoulder hinge point and ditch hinge point
    • elevation of ditch foreslope intercept point is lower than the elevation of existing ground above the ditch hinge point

Flat Bottom Ditch Details

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Notes for flat bottom ditch:
  1. "ditch foreslope lt" and "ditch foreslope rt" are expressed as either a RISE:RUN value (for Metric jobs), or a RUN:RISE value (for English jobs). Notice that since the ditch foreslope is always down and away from centerline the RISE portion of the slope definition should always be a negative value.
  2. To use a v-ditch rather than a flat bottom ditch, define "flat bottom ditch width lt" and "flat bottom ditch width rt" to be 0 in the input file.
  3. In general, this criteria is set up to draw a fixed width flat bottom ditch (or a v-ditch if the width is set to 0) for the entire length of the project. However the user can override this behavior and vary the width of the flat bottom ditch and/or toggle flat bottom ditch on and off by editing the except.dat file to include a block (or blocks) of lines similar to the following:
      if sta >= 1+000 and sta <= 1+100 then
      _d_ditch_width_lt = 1.20
      _d_ditch_width_rt = 0.75

    If the lines above were added to the except.dat file and if "flat bottom ditch width lt" and "flat bottom ditch rt" were defined to be 0 in the proposed cross-section input file, the result would be:
    • from the beginning of the project to Sta 1+000 v-ditch would be drawn on both sides.
    • from Sta 1+000 to 1+100 a 1.20 m wide flat bottom ditch would be drawn on the left side and a 0.75 m wide flat bottom ditch would be drawn on the right side.
    • from Sta 1+100 to the end of the project v-ditch would be drawn on both sides.
    Both the _d_ditch_width_[lt,rt] variables can be used in the except.dat file as shown above or just one or the other can be used.
  4. The bottom of the flat bottom ditch is always drawn horizontally.
  5. To avoid getting any daylights to the flat bottom ditch, set "flat bottom tolerance" to a negative value (e.g., -1.00) in the input file.

Fixed Cut/Fill Slope Details

  1. Station ranges for fixed cut or fill slopes are specified in the exception data file. These fixed cut/fill slopes override the normal slope selection process.
  2. Four variables are used in the exceptions data file to define fixed slopes:
    • _d_cut_slope_lt
    • _d_cut_slope_rt
    • _d_fill_slope_lt
    • _d_fill_slope_rt

    The values assigned to these variables in the exceptions data file are expressed as either in RISE:RUN format for Metric jobs or in RUN:RISE format for English jobs.

  3. If the user specifies a fixed cut or fill slope that doesn't catch at a particular station, then a note to that effect is placed on the cross-section and the criteria reverts back to using the normal slope selection process to find a catch for that cross-section.
  4. For example, if the user wanted to use a fixed cut RISE:RUN slope of 4:1 on the right side from 5+000 thru 5+100, and a fixed fill RISE:RUN slope of 1:1.5 on the left side from 10+000 thru 10+140, then the following lines would appear in the exceptions data file:
    if sta >= 5+000 r 1 and sta < 5+100 r1 then
    _d_cut_slope_rt = 4:1
    if sta >= 10+000 r 1 and sta < 10+140 r1 then
    _d_fill_slope_lt = -1:1.5

Uniformly Varying Cut/Fill Slope Details

The define variables "VARY CUT LT", "VARY CUT RT", "VARY FILL LT", and "VARY FILL RT" are optional. If the user doesn't want to use the uniformly varying cut/fill slope feature, then these variables should not be defined in the proposed cross-section input file.
define variables assigned values in the input data file:
  • "VARY CUT LT" (optional)
  • "VARY CUT RT" (optional)
  • "VARY FILL LT" (optional)
  • "VARY FILL RT" (optional)
define_dgn variables that must be assigned values in the input data file:
  • none
Variables that must be defined in exceptions data file:
  • none
Notes for uniformly varying cut/fill slopes:
  1. The values for the four variables ("VARY CUT LT", etc.) are the names of COGO profiles stored in the gpk file. These profiles define both the station ranges of any uniformly varying cuts or fills, and the slope of the cut or fill at any station within these ranges.
  2. The station range of a profile corresponds to the station range where the uniformly varying cut or fill slope applies. The stationing of the profile must match the roadway stationing where the uniformly varying cut or fill is required, including region number.
  3. The elevation of a profile at any station within the profile represents the RUN portion of the slope specification at that particular station. For Metric jobs, the slope that will be used is 1:RUN for cuts and 1:-RUN for fills. For English jobs, the slope that will be used is RUN:1 for cuts and RUN:-1 for fills.
  4. Multiple profile names can be defined in the input file for each of the "VARY CUT/FILL LT/RT" variables if varying cuts or fills are used at several locations along the project.
  5. The use of these variables is perhaps best explained by use of an example:
    The designer wants to use a cut slope on the left side that varies uniformly from 1:2 at Sta 1+000 to 1:6 at Sta 1+500, and again on the left side from Sta 2+000 through Sta 2+300. Also the designer wants to use a fill slope on the right side that varies uniformly from 1:1.5 at Sta 1+200 to 1:5 at Sta 1+600. To force the slopes to follow this, the following actions would be required:
    1. Store profiles into the gpk file for each of the three areas where uniformly varying slopes are wanted using the following series of COGO commands:
         S PRO CUT_LT1
      VPI 1 S 1+000 R 1  E 2.00
      VPI 2 S 1+500 R 1  E 6.00
      END PRO
      VPI 1 S 2+000 R 2  E 2.00
      VPI 2 S 2+300 R 2  E 6.00
      END PRO
      VPI 1 S 1+200 R 1  E 1.50
      VPI 2 S 1+600 R 2  E 5.00
      END PRO
    2. Include the following lines in the proposed cross-section input file:
         define "VARY CUT LT" cut_lt1, cut_lt2
      define "VARY FILL RT" fill_rt1
  6. Notice that the region numbers for the baseline chain are used when storing the profiles.
  7. Notice that in the input file that multiple profiles can be used for any of the variable definitions.
  8. Also notice that if any of the four variables are not used, they need not be defined in the input file. In the the example above, uniformly varying slopes were needed only for cut along the left side and fill along the right side. Thus the variables "VARY CUT RT" and "VARY FILL LT" were not defined.

Compound Cut Slopes in Rock (Optional)

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All the following variables are optional. If the user doesn't want to use the special compound cut slope in rock feature, then none of these variables need be defined in the proposed cross-section input file or the exceptions data file.
define variables that must be assigned values in the input data file:
  • none
define_dgn variables that must be assigned values in the input data file:
  • "rock"
Variables that must be defined in exceptions data file:
  • _d_rock_slope_lt
  • _d_rock_slope_rt
Notes for special compound cut slope in rock:
  1. The purpose of this option is to draw compound cut slopes in areas where there is a rock layer with soil overburden. The cut slope in rock is set to a user defined fixed value;  the cut slope in the overburden is variable using the normal slope selection criteria.
  2. The  top of the rock layer must be drawn into the cross-section dgn file before the proposed cross-sections run.  The rock layer can be drawn manually using MicroStation, or if it's a fixed depth below the existing ground it can be drawn in a separate preprocessing run using criteria file fhex_fea.x10.
  3. Both the station ranges where the special compound rock cut slope is used and the rock cut slope values themselves are set in the exceptions data file using the variables _d_rock_slope_lt and _d_rock_slope_rt.
  4. Variables _d_rock_slope_lt and _d_rock_slope_rt should be defined in the exceptions data file in either RISE:RUN format for Metric jobs or RUN:RISE format for English jobs.  For example, if the user wants to use a Metric 4:1 rock slope on the left side from station 1+000 thru 2+000 then the following lines would appear in the exceptions data file:
       if sta >= 1+000 r 1 and sta <= 2+000 r 1 then
    _d_rock_slope_lt = 4:1
  5. Notice that just because a rock line is drawn on the cross-section doesn't necessarily mean that compound cut slopes will be used (the station range for those cross-sections must be defined in the exceptions data file also). And conversely, just because a special compound rock cut slope is called for in the exceptions data file doesn't mean it will be drawn on the cross-sections (the rock line must be drawn onto the cross-sections for the station range also).
  6. The define_dgn variable "rock" refers to the level/symbology of the lines drawn in the cross-section dgn file representing the top of the rock layer.  (Contrast this to the typical use of define_dgn variables where they refer to lines drawn in a plan view dgn files.)
  7. The standard level/symbology for the "rock" in XS dgn lines is lv=57 co=57.

Special Ditch Profile Details (Optional)

This option draws a fixed slope to a user defined elevation. The width of the ditch varies as necessary.

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The define variables "LT PROF" and "RT PROF" are optional. If the user doesn't want to use the special ditch profile feature, then these variables should not be defined in the proposed cross-section input file.
define variables that must be assigned values in the input data file:
  • "LT PROF" (optional)
  • "RT PROF" (optional)
define_dgn variables that must be assigned values in the input data file:
  • none
Variables that must be defined in exceptions data file:
  • none
Notes for special ditch profile:
  1. The station range and elevation of special ditches drawn with this option are both defined by profiles stored into the gpk file from COGO (or from GEOPAK Vertical Alignment Generator).
  2. The stationing of the special ditch profile stored in the gpk file must match the roadway stationing, including region number. For example, if the designer wants at special ditch that goes from Sta. 5+000 r 3 thru Sta. 5+500 r 3 on the roadway stationing, then the ditch profile stored into the gpk file must begin at Sta 5+000 r 3 (not "no region" or "r 1" or "r 2") and must end at Sta 5+500 r 3 (same comments).
  3. The names of the COGO profiles for the special ditch are referenced in the define "LT PROF" and define "RT PROF" statements in the proposed cross-section input file.
    For example, if the designer wanted special ditch profiles from elevation 233.00 at Sta. 1+000 to elevation 235.00 at Sta. 1+500 on the left side, from elevation 242.00 at Sta. 2+000 to elevation 244.00 at Sta. 2+300 also on the left side, and from elevation 234.00 at Sta. 1+200 to elevation 235.00 at Sta. 1+600 on the right side, then the following actions would be required:
    1. Store profiles into the gpk file for each of the three special ditches using the following series of COGO commands:
         S PRO LTDITCH1
      VPI 1 S 1+000 E 233.00
      VPI 2 S 1+500 E 235.00
      END PRO
      VPI 1 S 2+000 E 242.00
      VPI 2 S 2+300 E 244.00
      END PRO
      VPI 1 S 1+200 E 234.00
      VPI 2 S 1+600 E 235.00
      END PRO
    2. Include the following lines in the proposed cross-section input file:
         define "LT PROF" ltditch1, ltditch2
      define "RT PROF" rtditch
  4. The "ditch foreslope slope lt" and "ditch foreslope slope rt" define variables are the same ones that are used to draw the "typical" ditches.
  5. It is possible, although not recommended, to override the "ditch foreslope slope [lt,rt]" variables for station ranges within a project by using the variables _d_ditch_foreslope_lt and _d_ditch_foreslope_rt in the exceptions data file. (Where _d_ditch_foreslope_[lt,rt] is a RISE:RUN format slope for Metric jobs or a RUN:RISE format for English jobs..)

Cut Slope Benching Details (Optional)

This option draws a variable number of cut slope benches.

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Cut slope benching is optional. If the user doesn't want to use cut slope benching, then these variables should not be defined in the proposed cross-section input file and exceptions data file.  On the other hand, if cut slope benching is used, then all these variables must be defined.
define variables that must be assigned values in the input data file:
  • "bench tolerance"
define_dgn variables that must be assigned values in the input data file:
  • none
Variables that must be defined in exceptions data file:
  • _d_bench_face_height_lt
  • _d_bench_face_height_rt
  • _d_bench_face_slope_lt
  • _d_bench_face_slope_rt
  • _d_bench_landing_slope_lt
  • _d_bench_landing_slope_rt
  • _d_bench_landing_width_lt
  • _d_bench_landing_width_rt
Notes for cut slope benching:
  1. Station ranges for cut slope benching are set in the exceptions data file.
  2. The "bench tolerance" variable effects the height of the top bench face only; the face heights of all benches below the top one are set with the _d_bench_face_height_[lt,rt] variables. The face height of the top bench is variable and can range between a minimum height of  "bench tolerance" and a maximum height of "bench tolerance" + _d_bench_face_height_[lt,rt].
  3. The value of the _d_bench_face_slope_[lt,rt] variables are expressed in RISE:RUN format for Metric jobs or in RUN:RISE format for English jobs. For example, 4:1 would be a typical bench face for a Metric job; the same slope would be expressed as 0.25:1 or 1:4 for an English job.
  4. The _d_bench_landing_slope_[lt,rt] variable can be defined as a percent slope or as a RISE:RUN value for Metric jobs or as a RUN:RISE for English jobs.  For example, either 5 or 1:20 (Metric) or 20:1 (English) will result in a bench sloping in towards the roadway at a 5% slope.
  5. The following is an example of the statements that would appear in the exceptions data file to produce cut slope benching between 1+000 and 1+500 on the left side and between 2+000 and 2+300 on the right side:
    if sta >= 1+000 r 1 and sta <= 1+500 r 1 then
    _d_bench_lt = 1
    _d_bench_face_slope_lt = 4:1
    _d_bench_face_height_lt = 3.00
    _d_bench_landing_slope_lt = 5
    _d_bench_landing_width_lt = 2.00
    if sta >= 2+000 r 1 and sta <= 2+300 r 1 then
    _d_bench_rt = 1
    _d_bench_face_slope_rt = 10:1
    _d_bench_face_height_rt = 3.50
    _d_bench_landing_slope_rt = 5
    _d_bench_landing_width_rt = 1.50
  6. Fill slope benching is not currently supported by fh_ss3.x10. Criteria file fh_specdit1.x10 may be used to create fills with a single bench.

Recoverable Fill Slope Details (Optional)

This option draws "barn roof" recoverable embankment slope as shown below.

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Recoverable slope is an optional feature. If the user doesn't want to use it, then the variables listed below should not be defined in the proposed cross-section input file and exceptions data file.  On the other hand, if recoverable slope is used, then all these variables must be defined.
define variables that must be assigned values in the input data file:
  • "recoverable slope"   (e.g., -1:4 Metric or 4:-1 English)
  • "recoverable slope dist"
  • "~force fixed secondary slope"   (see Note #5 below)
  • "~fixed secondary slope"   (e.g., -1:2 Metric or 2:-1 English)
define_dgn variables that must be assigned values in the input data file:
  • none
Variables that must be defined in exceptions data file:
  • _d_use_recoverable_slope_both_sides  (see Note #2 below)
Notes for recoverable embankment slope:
  1. This criteria draws a "barn roof" embankment section modeled on Figure 3.7 of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide.
  2. The recoverable slope option is toggled on by station ranges from the except.dat file by assigning the value of 1 to the variable _d_use_recoverable_slope_both_sides (or optionally _d_use_recoverable_slope_[lt,rt]). For example:
       if sta >= 0 then
          { _d_use_recoverable_slope_both_sides = 1 }
    toggles on the recoverable slope option for the entire project, while
       if sta >= 1+000 r 1 and sta <= 1+200 r 1 then
          { _d_use_recoverable_slope_lt = 1}
    would turn on the recoverable slope option only for stations 1+000 through 1+200 and only on the left side.
  3. The foreslope criteria file fh_fs3.x08 should always be used when the recoverable slope option is selected because fh_fs3.x08 allows the user to fix the slope of the roadway foreslope to match the recoverable slope and thereby make the fill slope continuous from the edge of pavement outward. In order to accomplish this, the foreslope criteria variable "shoulder foreslope" and the recoverable slope criteria variable "recoverable slope" should be assigned the same value (e.g., -1:4 Metric or 4:-1 English) in the input file
  4. If the recoverable slope portion of the fill slope intersects the existing ground within the fixed width specified by "recoverable slope dist", then the fill slope is stopped at that point.
  5. The user can force a fixed secondary slope rather than allowing the typical fill slope selection procedure to determine the secondary slope. By default this option is turned off; it is toggled on by defining "~force fixed secondary slope" to 1 and also specifying the desired fixed secondary slope with the "~fixed secondary slope" variable.
  6. The user can allow the typical slope selection procedure to determine the secondary slope, but force the resultant secondary slope to never be flatter than the recoverable slope. By default this option is toggled off; it is toggled on by defining "~secondary slope never flatter than recoverable slope" to be 1 in the input file.
  7. For typical cases, the variables specified above are all that's needed to define the recoverable slope cross-section. However, for special cases there are several optional variables hidden in this criteria that may be used to apply finer control to the recoverable slope that's drawn. These variables may be defined for station ranges in the exceptions file to override the typical case variables "recoverable slope", "recoverable slope dist", and "~fixed secondary slope". Typically these variables will not be used and so would not be specified in the exceptions file.
    • _d_recoverable_slope_lt    (overrides "recoverable slope" for the left side)
    • _d_recoverable_slope_rt    (overrides "recoverable slope" for the right side)
    • _d_recoverable_slope_dist_lt    (overrides "recoverable slope dist" for the left side)
    • _d_recoverable_slope_dist_rt    (overrides "recoverable slope dist" for the right side)
    • _d_fixed_secondary_slope_lt    (overrides "~fixed secondary slope" for the left side)
    • _d_fixed_secondary_slope_rt    (overrides "~fixed secondary slope" for the right side)

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