Global Partnership Center

Date: 01/20/2009 Description: A child fetches water at an improved water source in Kimatong, Eastern Equatoria, Southern Sudan.   © USAID Photo

Frequently Asked Questions

The Global Partnership Center supports the U.S. Department of State in achieving its diplomatic objectives by facilitating, building, and promoting public private partnerships; creating shareable resources and tools; and serving as a platform and network for communication and collaboration with the broader U.S. Government and external stakeholders.

The State Department's diverse portfolio of partnerships includes activities targeting:

  • Energy Policy and Climate Change;
  • The Fight Against HIV/AIDS In Africa;
  • Economic Policy And Trade Promotion;
  • Educational and Cultural Exchanges;
  • Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility Abroad;
  • Human Rights and Labor Issues;
  • Security and Counter-Terrorism;
  • Population and Refugee Resettlement; and
  • Democracy Promotion.

Date: 02/11/2009 Description: GPC Logo State Dept Photo

"The State Department will be firing on all cylinders to provide forward-thinking, sustained diplomacy in every part of the world, applying pressure wherever it may be needed, but also looking for opportunities, exerting leverage, cooperating with our military and other agencies of government, partnering with nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, and international organizations, using modern technologies for public outreach, empowering negotiators who can protect our interests while understanding those of our negotiating partners. Diplomacy is hard work. But when we work hard, diplomacy can work, not just to defuse tensions, but to achieve results that advance our security interests and values."
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton