FSI's Transition Center

Transition Center logo. Globe with arrows around it.The Transition Center serves U.S. Government employees and family members of all foreign affairs agencies assigned to diplomatic posts abroad, providing training, referrals and information, as well as retirement planning workshops.  The Transition Center also assists personnel returning from Iraq or other high-threat assignments through the High Stress Assignment Outbrief Program.

Training Division  - offers training workshops and courses on security and Foreign Service life skills to prepare foreign affairs employees and their family members for overseas assignments or re-entry to the U.S.

I want to...

*Find a training class or workshop

*Research a city or country

*Prepare for an international move

*Plan for retirement

*Explore Foreign Service Life

*Look for a specific topic

Foreign Affairs Community Life Skills Training Continuum (large PDF file containing all the workshops and courses) - recommends courses for Foreign Service Officers, specialists, non-State foreign affairs employees, Civil Service employees on excursion tours, and family members, whether entry-level, mid-level or senior-level. 

NEW! Listen to Amanda Ripley's podcast here! Amanda Ripley was a featured speaker for the Private Sector Security Overseas Seminar. She is a senior writer for TIME Magazine, and author of "The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes and Why?"

Overseas Briefing Center (OBC) - collects information on overseas and U.S. posts to help employees and family members choose assignments and prepare to live in foreign lands.

Go to the OBC site for:
extensive country research links,
a brief tutorial on cross-cultural adjustment,
a checklist for going overseas
, and more. 

Career Transition Center (CTC) - offers training, counseling, and other assistance for Department of State and foreign affairs employees from other agencies leaving U.S. Government service.

The CTC site offers:

retirement planning course descriptions,
helpful links,
articles on the job search process
, and much more. 

The Transition Center is one unit within the five schools of the Foreign Service Institute at the George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center, located in Arlington, Virginia. For information about language training, area studies, leadership, or other courses offered by the Foreign Service Institute, please contact the FSI Registrar at (703) 302-7144 or (703) 302-7137. The Transition Center offers only those courses mentioned in the CTC and Training Division listings.

- State Magazine's September 2007 article on OBC's 30th anniversary  [119 Kb]