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 Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan

About the Plan
Accessing the Plan
Executive Summary
Part I. The Continental Plan
Part 2. Conservation Issues and Recommendations
Literature Cited and Appendices
How to Obtain a Hard Copy
Accessing the French version of the Plan
Survey of Users of PIF North American Landbird Conservation Plan

About the Plan

The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan (hereafter Plan) provides a continental synthesis of priorities and objectives that will guide landbird conservation actions at national and international scales.  The scope for this Plan is the 448 species of native landbirds that regularly breed in the U.S. and Canada.   Fully 100 of these species warrant inclusion on the PIF Watch List, due to a combination of threats to their habitats, declining populations, small population sizes, or limited distributions. Of these, 28 species require immediate action to protect small remaining populations, and 44 more are in need of management to reverse long-term declines.

This Plan also highlights the need for stewardship of the species and landscapes characteristic of each portion of the continent, identifying 158 species (including 66 on the Watch List) that are particularly representative of large avifaunal biomes, and whose needs should be considered in conservation planning. Taken together, the pool of Watch List and Stewardship Species represent the landbirds of greatest continental importance for conservation action. Although the recommended actions may vary from region to region, no area in North America is without a conservation need for landbirds.

Accessing the Plan

You can access the Plan in four sections, as described below, using two PDF versions (one for web viewing and one higher quality version for printing). To view the Portable Document Format (PDF) file, you will need to use Adobe Acrobat Reader . If you don't already have this free tool, please go to: http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html to download and install the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Funding from the USDA Forest Service made the creation of the PDFs possible.

  • Click here for instructions on how to obtain hard copies of the Plan.

  • Click here for access to various documents providing information on research and monitoring needs of North American landbirds.

Executive Summary



Table of Contents

Executive Summary and Invitation to Action

Executive Summary - PDF (810 KB)

Executive Summary - Print Format PDF (1.7 MB)

Part I. The Continental Plan


Assessing Conservation Vulnerability

Species of Continental Importance

Table 1. PIF Species of Continental Importance for the US & Canada

Continental Landbird Objectives

Landbird Monitoring and Research Needs

Taking Action

Part 1 - PDF (3.3 MB)

Part 1 - Print Format PDF(16.3 MB)

Part 2. Conservation Issues and Recommendations

(Includes Tables 2 - 8, listing Species of Continental Importance in each avifaunal biome)

Arctic Avifaunal Biome

Northern Forest Avifaunal Biome

Pacific Avifaunal Biome

Intermountain West Avifaunal Biome

Southwest Avifaunal Biome

Prairie Avifaunal Biome

Eastern Avifaunal Biome

Part 2 - PDF (3.6 MB)

Part 2 - Print Format PDF(14.4 MB)

Literature Cited and Appendices

Literature Cited

Appendix A. Assessment scores and estimated population size of North American landbirds

Appendix B. Methods used to estimate population sizes and percents

PIF Landbird Population Estimates Database New item!

Appendix C. Wetlant-associated landbird Species of Continental Importance

Appendix D. Species of Continental Importance in Bird Conservation Regions 69 - Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

Literature Cited and Appendices - PDF (1.2 MB)

Literature Cited and Appendices - Print Format PDF (2.6 MB)

Recommended citation:

Rich, T. D., C. J. Beardmore, H. Berlanga, P. J. Blancher, M. S. W. Bradstreet, G. S. Butcher, D. W. Demarest, E. H. Dunn, W. C. Hunter, E. E. Iñigo-Elias, J. A. Kennedy, A. M. Martell, A. O. Panjabi, D. N. Pashley, K. V. Rosenberg, C. M. Rustay, J. S. Wendt, T. C. Will. 2004. Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan. Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Ithaca, NY. Partners in Flight website. http://www.partnersinflight.org/cont_plan/ (VERSION: March 2005).

How to Obtain a Hard Copy

PIF will send, free of charge, as many hard copies of this plan as you can use. Contact Terry Rich, Partners in Flight National Coordinator, at terry_rich@fws.gov.

Accessing the French version of the Plan

Plan nord-américain de conservation des oiseaux terrestres (2.3 MB PDF)

Survey of Users of PIF North American Landbird Conservation Plan

Last updated: 06/24/2011

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