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Long Range Transportation Plans

The Federal Highway Administration, Central Federal Lands Highway Division (CFL) is leading a process to develop Forest Highway Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs) for California, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah. The LRTPs establish the long range vision, mission, and goals that are the basis for long range transportation project selection and funding for the FH system in each state. The plans are the product of the Tri-Agency partnerships, which represents the State Departments of Transportation, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (USFS), and CFL. The LRTPs will incorporate selection criterion that will allow projects serving different goals to be judged on their merits against one another. The process will ensure that investments in planning, multi-modal programs, safety management, preservation, and construction provide the greatest benefit toward the Tri-Agency vision, mission, and goals. LRTPs will also be developed for Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, and Nebraska.

View Plans by State:
Map of States Served by CFLHD
• AZ - Arizona
CA - California
CO - Colorado
• HI - Hawaii
• KS - Kansas
• NE - Nebraska
• NM - New Mexico
NV - Nevada
• ND - North Dakota
• OK - Oklahoma
• PT - Pacific Territories
• SD - South Dakota
• TX - Texas
UT - Utah
• WY - Wyoming
Click a state on the map above (or in the list above) to go directly to a summary of all plans in that state.
California Nevada Colorado Utah

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