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Construction Procurement Home
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Construction Procurement

This page contains information pertaining to Construction Contracts to be awarded by the Central Federal Lands Highway Division in Lakewood, Colorado.  These projects are located in Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Wyoming.  We welcome any questions or comments you have concerning our program or this web site. Questions/comments may be sent to CFLContracts@fhwa.dot.gov.

Invitations for bid for all currently advertised projects are available to view and download from the Federal Business Opportunities web site.   This will be the only means of obtaining bid doucments. Unless otherwise stated, plan sets will only be available for download from the CFL web site under Advertised Projects.

All vendors intending to submit bids for currenlty advertised projects MUST register through FBO to assure notification of updates and/or amendments to solicitations.   Vendors are highly encouraged to register through FBO to promote partnering in the contracting community. 

Future Projects
Announcements of upcoming projects in summary form including the solicitation number, location, type of work, price range, and tentative ad date.
Go to Future Projects

Preshow and Pre-Advertisment Information
Notices of upcoming preshows to aid prospective bidders in viewing project sites before snow fall including title sheet, site maps, plan and profile, and other available project information.
Go to Preshow and Pre-Advertisment Information

Advertised Projects
Summaries of currently advertised projects with links to related solicitation documents including bid schedule, solicitation provisions, contract clauses, wage rates, special contract requirements, amendments, etc.
Go to Advertised Projects

Bid Summaries
This section provides summaries of opened bids showing the names of each bidder, indication of the apparent low bidder, the total dollar amount bid, and the Engineer's Estimate.
Go to Bid Summaries

Bid Tabs
Bid tabulations show bid item amount and extended price from each bidder as well as the Engineer's Estimate and extended pricing.  Bid tabulations are posted as soon as practical after bid opening.
Go to Bid Tabs

Awarded Contracts
After bids are carefully reviewed and all considerations are accounted for, the lowest bid is confirmed and the project is awarded accordingly. This section lists the name of the project followed by the name of the low bidder, winning bid amount and date of award.
Go to Awarded Contracts

Price Indexes
This section provides weekly price data for projects that contain a contract provision for asphalt cement and/or fuel price adjustments.
Go to Price Indexes

Cancelled Solicitations
Summaries of cancelled solicitations.
Go to Cancelled Solicitations

Reference Sources and Related Links
Links to related agencies and reference sources including procurement regulations, Standard Specifications (FPs) and other procurement related items.
Go to Reference Sources and Related Links


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