Central Federal Lands Highway Division Central Federal Lands Highway Division
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The Project Status web site is currently being populated. We have a large number of projects and not all of them are on line yet.

The Central Federal Lands Highway Division (CFLHD) operates as part of the Federal Lands Highway Program, serving the needs of Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Neveda, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. CFLHD actively administers the surveying, designing and constructing of forest highway system roads, parkways and park roads, bridges, and other Federal Lands roads.

View Projects by State:
Map of States Served by CFLHD
Click a state on the map above (or in the list above) to go directly to a summary of all projects in that state.

View Projects In Development
A list of projects in the development stage.

View Projects Under Construction
A list of projects in the construction stage.

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Please send your questions or comments to CFL.Webmaster@fhwa.dot.gov

California Nevada Wyoming Colorado Utah North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Arizona New Mexico Oklahoma Texas Hawaii