Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Douglas H. Johnson, Ph.D.

Research Statistician and Senior Scientist
USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
204 Hodson Hall, 1980 Folwell Ave.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108

Phone: (612) 624-4716
Fax: (612) 625-5299
Email NPWRC Staff
Research (Principal Investigator),
Minnesota Office


Current Projects:


Professional Experience:

Professional Affiliations:

NPWRC Publications:

Selected Publications:

Cunningham, M. A., and D. H. Johnson. 2006. Proximate and landscape factors influence grassland bird distributions. Ecological Applications 16(3):1062-1075.

Thogmartin, W. E., F. Howe, F. James, D. H. Johnson, E. T. Reed, J. R. Sauer, and F. R. Thompson, III. A review of the population estimation approach of the North America Landbird Conservation Plan. Auk. In press.

Lueders, A. S., P. L. Kennedy, and D. H. Johnson. 2006. Influences of management regimes on breeding bird densities and habitat in mixed-grass prairie: an example from North Dakota. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:600-606.

Winter, M., D. H. Johnson, J. A. Shaffer, T. M. Donovan, and W. D. Svedarsky. 2006. Patch size and landscape effects on density and nesting success of grassland birds. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:158-172.

Littlefield, C. D., and D. H. Johnson. 2005. Habitat preferences of migrant and wintering northern harriers in northwestern Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 50:448-452.

Winter, M., D. H. Johnson, J. A. Shaffer, and W. D. Svedarsky. 2004. Nesting biology of three grassland passerines in the northern tallgrass prairie. Wilson Bulletin 116:211-223.

Johnson, D. H. 2002. The importance of replication in wildlife research. Journal of Wildlife Management 66:919-932. Invited article.

Johnson, D. H. 2002. The role of hypothesis testing in wildlife science. Journal of Wildlife Management 66:272-276. Invited article.

Johnson, D. H. 2001. Habitat fragmentation effects on birds in grasslands and wetlands: A critique of our knowledge. Great Plains Research 11:211-231.

Johnson, D. H., and L. D. Igl. 2001. Area requirements of grassland birds: a regional perspective. Auk 118:24-34.

Johnson, D. H. 2001. Validating and evaluating models. Pages 105-119 in T. M. Shenk and A. B. Franklin, editors. Modeling in Natural Resource Management: Development, Interpretation, and Application. Island Press, Washington, DC.

Johnson, D. H. 1999. The insignificance of statistical significance testing. Journal of Wildlife Management 63:763-772. Invited article.

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