Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Jane E. Austin, Ph.D.

Research Wildlife Biologist
USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
8711 37th Street Southeast
Jamestown, North Dakota 58401

Phone: (701) 253-5510
Fax: (701) 253-5553
Email NPWRC Staff
Research (Principal Investigator),
Jamestown Headquarters

Photo of Jane Austin.


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NPWRC Publications:

Selected Publications:

Austin, J. E., H. T. Sklebar, G. R. Guntenspergen, and T. K. Buhl. 2000. Effects of roadside transect width on waterfowl and wetland estimates. Wetlands 20(4):660–670.

Austin, J. E., A. D. Afton, M. G. Anderson, R. G. Clark, C. M. Custer, J. S. Lawrence, J. B. Pollard, and J. K. Ringelman. 2000. Declining scaup populations: issues, hypotheses, and research directions. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28(1):254–263.

Austin, J. E., G. R. Guntenspergen, H. T. Sklebar, and T. K. Buhl. 2001. Duck populations as indicators of landscape condition in the Prairie Pothole Region. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 69(1):29–47.

Rhymer, J. M., M. G. Fain, J. E. Austin, D. H. Johnson, and C. Krajewski. 2001. Mitochondrial phylogeny, subspecific taxonomy, and conservation genetics of sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis; Aves:Gruidae). Conservation Genetics 2:203–218.

Austin, J. E., D. A. Granfors, M. A. Johnson, and S. C. Kohn. 2002. Spring migration patterns in North Dakota relative to temperatures and water conditions. Journal of Wildlife Management 66(3):874–882.

Austin, J. E., G. R. Guntenspergen, H. T. Sklebar, and T. K. Buhl. 2003. Differences in distribution of modified basins and ducks relative to roadside transects. Wetlands 23(1):140–148.

Austin, J. E., and W. H. Pyle. 2004. Nesting ecology of waterbirds at Grays Lake, Idaho. Western North American Naturalist 63(3):277–292.

Austin, J. E., and W. H. Pyle. 2004. Small mammals in montane wet meadow habitat at Grays Lake, Idaho. Northwest Science 78(3):225–233.

Austin, J. E., and A. L. Richert. 2005. Patterns of habitat use by whooping cranes during migration: summary from 1977–1999 site evaluation data. Proceedings North American Crane Workshop 9:122–147.

Johnson, D. J, J. E. Austin, and J. A. Shaffer. 2005. A fresh look at the taxonomy of midcontinental sandhill cranes. Proceedings North American Crane Workshop 9:98–107.

Davis, C. A., J. E. Austin, and D. A. Buhl. 2006. Factors influencing soil invertebrate communities in riparian grasslands of the central Platte River floodplain. Wetlands 26(2):438–545.

Austin, J. E., A. R. Henry, and I. J. Ball. 2007. Sandhill crane abundance and nesting ecology at Grays Lake, Idaho. Journal of Wildlife Management 71(4):1067–1079.

Austin, J. E., J. R. Keough, and W. H. Pyle. 2007. Effects of habitat management treatments on plant community and biomass in a montane wetland. Wetlands 27(3):570–587.

Austin, J. E., and A. L. Richert. 2005. Patterns of habitat use by whooping cranes during migration: summary from 1977-1999 site evaluation data. Proceedings North American Crane Workshop 9:79–104.

Austin, J. E. and D. Buhl. 2008. Responses of nesting sandhill cranes to research activities and effects on nest survival. Proceedings of the North American Crane Workshop 10:98–106.

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