National Weather Service
Professional Development Series
Professional Competency Unit

Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting

PCU 4: Evaluate NWP and Value-Added Guidance for Precipitation Forecasting

Producer: Rich Cianflone (NWS/COMET)

Description of Job Duty Competency to be Achieved

Apply knowledge of numerical models and value-added guidance products to forecast quantitative precipitation.

Description of Need

As a part of forecasting quantitative precipitation, forecasters need to understand the performance characteristics and underlying physics of the operational numerical models and value-added guidance.

Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge

1.Assess model initial analysis - compare NWP model guidance (global through mesoscale, including ensembles) to remotely sensed and in situ observations/data (initial conditions).

2.Determine which model(s) most accurately represent the current and future state of the atmosphere in your area.

C����� Reconcile model differences as they pertain to precipitation forecasts through knowledge of:
-��� Model precipitation processes and schemes
-��� Model physics
-��� Impact of resolution and coordinate systems
-��� Model biases and performance characteristics

C����� Assess the relative accuracy of each NWP model and the consistency of each between successive model runs (continuity) as they pertain to precipitation.Objectively identify 3, 7, and 14 day trends.

C����� Determine NWP model accuracy with respect to speed of movement, intensity, storm and frontal positions, areal coverage and precipitation amount etc.

3.Using knowledge of strengths and limitations, evaluate and integrate value-added precipitation guidance, for example:

C            NCEP/HPC

C            MOS

C            LAMP

C            Other local guidance

4.Integrate all guidance, reconcile differences, and adjust expectations to produce QPF

Instructional Components

Instructional Component 4.1: Web Site: Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting Overview.Materials on this Web site provide training on how to evaluate NWP and value-added guidance for precipitation forecasting.

Instructional Component 4.2: Web Module (Proposed) - NWP Model Verification.This module will describe how to evaluate operational model and value-added guidance performance for a region of interest. This component should include exercises on how to use the verification NPVU Web page > when preparing a precipitation forecast.

Instructional Component 4.3: Web module: Understanding Data Assimilation: How Models Create Their Initial Conditions.Module on how deficiencies in analyzing the initial state of the atmosphere impacts models performance and precipitation forecasts.Explain how in data assimilation, quality control, and analysis of the initial state of the atmosphere can impact numerical models.

Instructional Component 4.4: Web Module: Model Structure and Dynamics. This module describes the impact of model resolution and coordinate systems on model performance and precipitation forecasts.

Instructional Component 4.5: Web Module: Influence of Model Physics on NWP Forecasts.This module describes the impact of model physics on model performance and precipitation forecasts. Includes discussion of physical processes that are parameterized in mesoscale models and the possible impact of these parameterization schemes.

Instructional Component 4.6: Web Module: How Models Produce Precipitation and Clouds.Module on the impact of model precipitation processes and CP schemes on model performance and precipitation forecasts.

Instructional Component 4.7: Web Module (Proposed): Using Value-added Precipitation Guidance Products.This module will describe how to use various value-added precipitation guidance products.It will include descriptions of how various value-added products are produced and their predictands.

Instructional Component 4.8: Local Case Studies.Local offices will provide examples of cases that illustrate model performance characteristics specific to their areas.Geographically similar groups of WFOs may hold teletraining sessions highlighting training issues pertaining to their regions.

Instructional Component 4.9: Interactive Case Studies.This component should include case studies that illustrate how to account for and reconcile various model forecasts.Done, (HPFF and RPC/HPC Hydromet Course Labs and their CD and online versions)

Instructional Component 4.10: Bibliography.An on-line bibliography/glossary of various precipitation-related reports could be provided.

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Last Reviewed or Updated on 09/26/01