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Dietary Supplement Labels Database Help

  1. Browse Products
  2. Browse Active Ingredients
  3. Browse Manufacturers
  4. Search Information in the database

1. Browse Products

  • Browse Product names by an alphabetical listing

  • You can navigate through product names alphabetically by clicking on "All Products". An example of Browse Product names by an alphabetical listing

    You can view product details by clicking a product name. The Product
    Product information of Acutrim Maintenance System Information tab shows information derived from the label, including Supplement Fact Sheets, Manufacturers Suggested Use, Label Warning and Label Claims. Third-party test results, if available, are also included on this page. When available, links to "Ingredient Fact Sheet" from NIH and other research centers are provided on the Product Information page.

    You can see a product's ingredients by clicking the product's Ingredient
    Ingredient Information of Acutrim Maintenance System Information tab. You can sort active ingredients alphabetically by name, if you click on the red arrow next to the "Active Ingredients" heading or by their daily values, by clicking the red arrows next to the "Daily Value (%)" heading.
    You can also click the Manufacturer Information tab to view the Manufacturer/Distributor name, address, telephone number, and web address,
    Manufacturer Information of Acutrim Maintenance System if available. From the Manufacturer Information page you can link to the other products in the database that are produced by this manufacturer.
  • Browse Product names by categories

  • You may also navigate through the database by searching for products targeted to:
    1. Men
    2. Women
    3. Seniors
    4. Kids/Teens
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    2. Browse Active Ingredients

  • Browse Active Ingredients by an alphabetical listing or type

  • You can find a specific active ingredient alphabetically by name if you click on "All Ingredients". Alternatively, you may find a specific active ingredient by selecting it from any of the following 6 ingredient categories:
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Herb/Plants
  • Amino Acids
  • Enzymes
  • Specialty
  • Browse Active Ingredients

    You can view additional information about an active ingredient by clicking the active ingredient name. The detailed information in the Active Ingredient page includes common name (Name) and descriptive information (Description), other names for this ingredient (Related Names/Sources) and links to other products in this database that contain this ingredient (Related Products).
    An example of Active Ingredient detail Reference links are also provided to other NLM databases for information on the specific ingredient's:
  • Use in Humans
  • Adverse Effects (in humans)
  • Mechanism of Action

  • A link to ChemID is provided, if available.

    By clicking the "Products that contain this ingredient" link on the Active Ingredient page, you can view a table of all products that contain that active ingredient. The amount of an active ingredient per unit (Amount/Unit) and the percent Daily Value (%) that the unit value represents are given
    An example of the products containing that active ingredient for each product. (Unit here refers to one tablet, capsule, softgel, etc.) The Product Names and the Amount/Unit can be sorted by clicking the red arrows.
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    3. Browse Manufacturers

  • Browse Manufacturers using an alphabetical list

  • You can browse the Manufacturers/Distributors in the database using an alphabetical list. You can view the Manufacturers/Distributors details by clicking the name. Browse Manufacturers
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    4. Search Information in the database

    You may perform a "Quick Search" by entering your search terms in the Search Box or an "Advanced Search" by clicking on "Advanced Search" link.
  • Quick Search

  • You can type a Product name, an Active Ingredient , a Manufacturer name or a label in the Quick Search box to query the whole database. An autocomplete feature is provided to predict the word being typed based on those already typed. Be prepared for an extensive list of results! (Do not enter the common words "supplements" or "dietary".) Quick Search
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  • Advanced Search

  • I. Search Product names

    You can click the "Go" button directly to acquire a list of product names in the database. To find a product, type a part of its name in the search query box. Avoid common words like "a," "an" or "the". You do not need to use any wildcard characters such as asterisks (*) when searching on a partial word.

    You can limit your search to those products having label characteristics such as "No Added Sugar," "Vegetarian," "Kosher," etc. by clicking in the appropriate box(es) in the "Limit results to:" list. You may choose up to 3 characteristics at a time from the 32 listed. Search Product names

    You can modify the search results in a similar manner.

    An example of limiting search result
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    II. Search Active Ingredients Names or Related Names

    You can search for active ingredients names and their related names by inputting a part of the ingredient name in the Search query box. Avoid common words like "a," "an," and "the". You do not need to use any wildcard characters such as asterisks (*) when searching on a partial word.
    Search Active Ingredients Names
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    III. Search Manufacturers by name

    You can search Manufacturers/Distributors by inputting a part of the name in the Search query box. Avoid common words like "a," "an," and "the". You do not need to use any wildcard characters such as asterisks (*) when searching on a partial word.

    Search Manufacturers
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    IV. Search label

    Label information can be retrieved through full-text search. Noise words and any words that are 2 characters or less in length will be removed from the search query. If you want the results to include an exact phrase, simply put quotation marks around your search terms, for example, "cod liver oil". Search label
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    Last updated: 22 January 2009