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  • AIIM Members-only benefits:
    • Email Management ROI Calculator - This tool will help you identify and analyze the current costs of managing email in your organization.
    • ECM Toolkit - 16 collections of articles and research to help you solve your information management challenges.

    Upcoming AIIM Certificate Training Programs

    ECM Master Course
    May 5-8, 2009, Chicago, IL

    ERM Master Course
    May 19-22, 2009, Ottawa, ON

    IOA/Search Master Course
    June 16-19, 2009, Silver Spring, MD

    BPM Master Course
    June 2-5, Tampa, FL

    Email Master Course
    June 30-July 3, Silver Spring, MD

    Enterprise 2.0 Master Course  
    June 16-19, 2009, Atlanta, GA 

    Get industry research from our AIIM Market Intelligence Group and benchmark your organization.

    AIIM is the community that provides education, research, and best practices to help organizations find, control, and optimize their information. For over 60 years, AIIM has been the leading non-profit organization focused on helping users to understand the challenges associated with managing documents, content, records, and business processes. Let us help you learn...

  • What is ECM?
  • What is ERM?
  • What is Information Management?
  • What is BPM?
  • What is E2.0?
  • What is IOA?
  • What is SharePoint?
  • What is eDiscovery?

  • AIIM Doculabs Benchmarking

    Industry Benchmarking

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    Infonomics Weekly

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    Wednesday Webinars

    Combining SharePoint, Imaging, Document Management, and Workflow

    Join us for an
    AIIM Wednesday Webinar
    May 13 at 2:00 PM Eastern

    Imaging, Document Management, and SharePoint CAN be used together. Here’s proof. Often when SharePoint is discussed, it’s from the point of view that it needs to be controlled or providing advice for how to do so.

    Join us and hear how ECM and SharePoint complement one another to provide a “one stop shop” for all content.


    E2.0 Training

    Online Courses Available

    Learn how to use blogs, wikis, and social networking technologies to improve collaboration and innovation across your enterprise.

    Enroll Now