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Program Operations Branch

The five workgroups within the Program Operations Branch provide advice, services and oversight to accomplish NTP programmatic goals.

Chemistry Resources

The Chemistry Resources Workgroup (CRW) is responsible for analytical chemistry activities conducted in support of the NTP. The group, comprised of Cynthia Smith, Ph.D., Brad Collins, Veronica Godfrey and Beby Jayaram, Ph.D., advises NTP Project Leaders on the chemistry needed for their studies and oversees the contracted analytical chemistry resources, which conduct procurement, characterization, methods development and validation for formulation and tissue analysis, and conduct kinetics studies. CRW chemists ensure that the needs of the program are met, the best available analytical techniques are used, and that the results are appropriately and accurately described and reported.

Chemical Metabolism and Disposition

The Chemical Metabolism and Disposition Workgroup (CMDW) conducts research on absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) as well as pharmacokinetics of xenobiotic materials of interest to the NTP. This research is accomplished through contracted resources and is overseen by J. Michael Sanders, Ph.D. and Suramya Waidyanatha, Ph.D. The CMDW also provides expertise for the design of toxicity and carcinogenicity studies and in preparation of NTP technical reports.

Study Management

The Study Management Workgroup (SMW) directs, implements, and oversees carcinogenicity, mechanistic and reproductive toxicology testing performed by contract laboratories on substances nominated to the NTP for study. Studies are conducted according to rigorous NTP specifications, scientific guidelines and good laboratory practices. Its members include Helen Cunny, Ph.D., Joe Roycroft, Ph.D. and Molly Vallant. The SMW works with other NTP scientists to develop and implement research projects to accomplish the NTP mission . Responsibilities of the SMW include direct oversight of project execution, data acquisition, presentation of results and budget oversight. Additional responsibilities include scientific input to NTP management regarding annual reports and inclusion of new technologies in study designs.

Information and Data Management

Information and Data Management Workgroup (IDMW) supports NTP efforts in the collection, management, reporting and storing of experimental data. These efforts are achieved through the design, use and maintenance of software customized for the NTP. The IDMW also facilitates the flow of information and comments to the NTP through the website and by e-mail, as well as disseminates data and information to the general public and scientific community. The workgroup is comprised of Beth Bowden, Shawn Jeter, Mike Rowley and Sharon Soward along with contracted support from Thomas Bodenheimer, Bill Borden, Aaron Cox, Matt Darby, Miriam Gattis, John Hodorowicz, Shannon Lloyd, Peter Mihok, Jr., Anand Paleja and Chandrika Patel.

Quality Assurance

Joe Roycroft, Ph.D., directs the activities of contracted resources to audit records on the conduct and reporting of NTP studies, as well as the preparation of NTP technical reports. In addition, the QAW assesses the accuracy of data on the NTP website and provides support to NTP Project Officers for evaluation of quality programs in place in the NTP at contract laboratories.

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