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Seth Weintraub's picture

Hey Windows 7, my Mac supports virtual XP Mode

Another thing the Mac has done first ...

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Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols's picture

How many desktop Linux users?

The truth is no one knows exactly how many desktop Linux users there are. But, here are some of the ways we can use to try to get to accurate numbers.

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Preston Gralla's picture
Preston Gralla

Seeing Through Windows

Windows 7 RC1 on a Mac: It works!

Want Windows 7 and Mac OS X? No problem. You can easily get the best of both worlds by running Windows 7 RC1 on a Mac --- in fact, I've been running it on a Macbook Air, with no problems.

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Lisa Hoover's picture
Lisa Hoover

The Evolving Web

Golden rule of social networking: It's not just about you

I'd estimate that the vast majority of people using social media understand it's meant to be a communication tool to facilitate interaction with others. Unfortunately, there's a small segment of users who treat it as a digital megaphone for their own personal marketing plan.

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Amazon working on a new Kindle

In today's podcast: Amazon working on a new Kindle device; RIM opens BlackBerry push technology to developers; Google pushes Gmail to BlackBerry handsets

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Ken Mingis's picture
Ken Mingis

Mingis on Macs

My new SSD died, dare I try another?

A couple of weeks back I put an SSD drive in a base model MacBook in an effort to tart up my new laptop. Everything was fine until, suddenly, it wasn't.

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Sharky's picture

Shark Tank

Does that cross-training include badge use?

This reasonably bright IT guy is visiting a cross-training site that uses electronic badge access -- and he starts having trouble getting through the door.

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IT Blogwatch's picture
IT Blogwatch

A Daily Digest of IT Blogs from Richi Jennings

BlackBerry outsells iPhone; or "RIMM > AAPL"

BlackBerry BoldIn Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, RIM BlackBerrys outsell Apple iPhones, according to NPD. Richi Jennings wonders what the fanbois will make of that? Not to mention Evelien Lohbeck's notebook...

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Seth H. Weintraub's picture

FTC investigating Apple and Google for monopoly ties

Are Google and Apple in trouble over the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914? Probably not, and here's why:

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Douglas Schweitzer's picture
Douglas Schweitzer

The Security Sector

Is IT creating a society of antisocial people?

I was on the phone recently with an accountant friend I've known for close to 20 years. I don't remember how Richard and I got into a conversation about clients, but we started talking about email. He said that he loves the fact that he doesn't have to talk to people so much anymore...just pop them an email and be done.

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Michael Horowitz's picture
Michael Horowitz

Defensive Computing

What Consumer Reports didn't tell you about netbooks

The June 2009 edition of Consumer Reports includes a report on netbook computers that fails to point out many important issues with these new popular machines

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Mark Everett Hall's picture
Mark Everett Hall

Sanity as a Service

Saving on storage in the cloud

PowerFile will be unveiling an upgrade to its data center storage technology, claiming much higher capacities at very low operational expense.

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Around the World's picture
Around the World

The best blogs from IDG

Apple snags Xbox exec -- more games for iPhone?

Rumor has it that Apple has hired Richard Teversham, Microsoft's now-former European senior director of business, insights, and strategy for the Xbox.

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Mike Elgan's picture
Mike Elgan

The World Is My Office

I'm becoming semi-nomadic

A year ago, I proposed to my wife that we sell everything we own and become full-time digital nomads. She wants to travel, but also wants a "nest" — a home base in the United States. Starting tomorrow, our compromise plan goes into effect.

Both of us are lucky enough to have work that can be done from anywhere over the Internet.

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Jaikumar Vijayan's picture

Can the feds buy their way to better cyber security?

The federal government buys more than $70 billion worth of IT products every year. Should they be using their purchasing clout to force vendors to make products safer?

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