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AAAS Membership


Member Categories

Membership in AAAS is open to all individuals who support the goals and objectives of the Association and are willing to contribute to the achievement of those goals and objectives. Membership in AAAS provides individual rights and benefits and are, therefore, not transferable. All memberships listed below include a subscription to Science magazine. Science is published weekly, except the last week in December.

Membership Categories:

  • Professional Membership
  • Postdoc Membership (Requires proof of postdoc affiliation)
  • Student Membership (Requires proof of full-time undergraduate or graduate student status)
  • Emeritus Membership (For retired members of the association)
  • K12 Teacher Membership (Requires verification of teaching status)
  • K12 Teacher with Science Books & Films Includes one year (nine issue) subscription to Science Books & Films. (Requires verification of teaching status)

Patron Membership

Members who desire the highest level of involvement with the activities of the association can opt for Patron Membership. In addition to receiving all the individual member benefits and services, Patron members also receive the AAAS Annual Report and regular executive briefings on the activities of the association.

See a list of AAAS Patrons.

Institutional subscriptions to Science are also available for libraries and institutions. Please contact the Membership Office for more information on subscription rates.

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