Social Security and Medicare Trustees' Reports

Greenstein Statement on Trustees’ Medicare Report

The Trustees’ report on Medicare underscores the urgency of health care reforms to slow health care cost growth, starting with President Obama’s proposed Medicare reforms.  Read the full statement on Medicare

Greenstein Statement on Trustees’ Social Security Report

The Trustees’ report shows Social Security doesn’t face an immediate crisis but does require changes, and the sooner they’re made, the better.  Read the full statement on Social Security

Paying for Health Reform

Greenstein Statement at Senate Finance Committee

“If Congress can step up to the plate and put together a package of offsets that pay for health care reform legislation — and health care reform then is enacted — the nation will benefit greatly for decades to come.”  Read more

Prominent bloggers, Ezra Klein and Jonathan Cohn, recommend Greenstein’s statement as a useful primer.

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