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Project Number 115
Date of Summary December 31, 1991
Subject Hydrodynamic Effects on Design of Offshore Platforms
Performing Activity PMB Systems Engineering, Inc.
Principal Investigator Mr. Richard W. Litton
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Estimated Completion Completed.
Description This was a Joint Industry Project (JIP) to develop and verify engineering analysis guidelines for determining hydrodynamic loading effects for deep water compliant platforms. Both wave and current effects were considered in order to calibrate existing computer models and to validate design concepts used in verification procedures. It used publicly available field, laboratory, and analytical data on hydrodynamic forces to investigate the differences noted between observed data and that predicted by analytical models. The types of compliant platforms included in this study were fixed-base complaint towers, tension leg or vertically moored platforms, and catenary moored floating platforms.
Progress Completed. The proprietary period for this project has ended. However, only report AA is available.


AA File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). (4 pages; 285 KB) Litton, R., Hydrodynamic Effects on Design of Offshore Platforms (HEDOP) Phases II-A and II-B, (Summary) Hishman Mitwally, PMB Engineering, Inc., 500 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94111.
AB Hydrodynamic Effects of Design of Offshore Platforms, Report No. 1, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, March 1987 (Revised April 1987). (Out of Print)
AC Hydrodynamic Effects on Design of Offshore Platforms, Report No. 2A, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, July 1987. (Out of Print)
AD Structural Dynamics State-of-the-Art Report, HEDOP-Phase I, Report No. 3, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, November 1987. (Out of Print)
AE Lena Verification Study, HEDOP-Phase I, Report 2B, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, July 1987. (Out of Print)
AF Pauling, P., Load Effects Study: Tension Leg Platform, HEDOP-Phase 2, Stage A, Report No. 1, Volume 2, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, August 1989. (Out of Print)
AG Hydrodynamic Effects on Design of Offshore Platforms, Load Effect Study: Cognac Fixed Base Template, Stage 11-A, Report I, Volume 3, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, August 1989. (Out of Print)
AH Veletos, A. S., Prasad, A. M., Tang, Y., Load Effect Study: Analysis by Simplified Models, HEDOP-Phase 2, Stage A, Report No. 1, Volume 4, Rice University, Texas, August 1989. (Out of Print)
AI Analysis of TLP Drift Response, HEDOP-Phase 2, Stage A, Report No. 2, Volume 1, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, August 1989. (Out of Print)
AJ Near Surface Wave Kinematics, HEDOP-Phase 2, Stage A, Report No. 3, Volume 1, Danish Hydraulic Institute, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, August 1989. (Out of Print)
AK Webster, W., Fluid Sheet Theory, HEDOP-Phase 2, Stage A, Report No. 3, Volume 2, University of California at Berkeley, California, September 1989. (Out of Print)
AL Structural Dynamic State-of-the-Art Review, HEDOP-Phase I, Report 3, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, November 1987. (Out of Print)
AM Parameter Study: 2000' Compliant Tower Jacket, HEDOP-Phase I, Report No. 4, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, November 1987. (Out of Print)
AN Revised Modeling Procedures-Phase 2 Plans, HEDOP-Phase I, Report No. 5, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, November 1987. (Out of Print)
AO Bea, P. G., Pawsey, S. F., and Litton, R. V., Measured and Predicted Wave Forces on Offshore Platforms, OTC 5787, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, May 2-5, 1988. (Out of Print)
AP Litton, R. W., HEDOP 2-A Information Transmittal, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, June 15, 1989. (Out of Print)
AQ Load Effects Study, 2000' Compliant Tower Jacket, HEDOP-Phase 2, Stage A, Report No 1, Volume 1, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, January 1989. (Out of Print)
AR Hydrodynamic Effects on Design of Offshore Platforms, Phase II, Stage B, Report 1, Wave and Current Leads on Platforms, Shielding Effects Study, PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, November 1991. (Out of Print)
AS Veletsus, A. S., Horng, J., Hydrodynamic Effects on Design of Offshore Platforms, Studies of Dynamic Response by Simple Models, Phase II, Stage II-B, Report 2, , Rice University, Houston, Texas, December 1991. (Out of Print)
AT Pauling, P., TLP Surge Response Simulation Studies, HEDOP-Phase 2B, Report No. 3, University of California, Berkeley, California, September 1, 1991  (Out of Print)
AU Near Surface Wave Kinematics, HEDOP-Phase 2B, Danish Hydraulic Institute, Denmark, August 16, 1991. (Out of Print)
AV Hydrodynamic Effects on Design of Offshore Platforms, Updated Modeling Procedures, Phase II, Stage B, Report 5, , PMB Systems Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, California, November 1991. (Out of Print)
AW Hydrodyamic Effects on Design of Offshore Platforms Report 2 Stage II B Response of Platforms to Waves and Current Simplified Model Studies Prof. A. Veletsos, Rice University. (Out of Print)


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