
*Current values
*Short term forecasts (0-3 days)
*Medium-range forecasts 0-14 days
*Long-range forecasts 14 days-seasons
*Climatologies ("normal") values
*Historical data and plots
*Historical Relationships (e.g. w/ENSO)

Weather Tools and Climate Glossaries


3-State Region Project


oCurrent Precipitation
US plots: Latest daily or 7 day total precipitation plots for the US. Included in US precipitation monitoring products. Stations used, archived recent plots and gridded data also available. NOAA CPC
US plots: Latest weekly, monthly, seasonal, and annual precipitation plots for the US. Total precipitation and percent of normal are available. Choose timescale from top of page. Then choose type of plot. NOAA CPC
Western US plots: Latest year-to-date interactive precipitation accumulation maps. Users can overlay topography, countiy boundries, climate division boundries, river and hydrologica boundries. line plots are aslo available. Select lat/lon bounds and optional overlay for maps. NOAA PSD
US plots: Latest 24 hourprecipitation plot. Plot over US plus other related data.UCAR RAP
Station Accumulation: 30 day accumulated precipitation for stations in the southwestern USChoose a station in the Southwestern US and obtain a plot of observed precipitation total for the last 30 days versus the historical average NOAA CPC
Regional Accumulation: Accumulated precipitation for gridded regions in the US from an input starting date in the last year. Click over a location and specify the starting time. You will get the accumulation over time versus the historical average NOAA PSD
River basins: Latest monthly precipitation totals for river basins in Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona.Text of accumulated precipitation and percent of normal for the different river basins of each state. Select month. Water year corresponds to the year of Sep in Oct-Sep. USDA NWCC
US Climate Divisions: Latest monthly Plot of precipitationChoose latest month and either mean or anomaly and then "create plot". Get data. NOAA PSD
Station Values: Table of most recent station values from CPC. Summary of weekly and monthly valuesAn archive of the most recent values is also available. NOAA CPC

oShort-term Forecasts
NWS offices: Clickable map of main forecast offices.Precipitation forecasts are available. Each office has it's own format. NOAA NWS
Model output comparisons (Aviation, Eta) 12-96 hours.Precipitation on bottom of chart.NOAA PSD
NOAA's Rapid Update Model Forecasts 0-12 hour forecasts.Choose blue RUC2 box on right and then accumulated precipitation in variable list. Research forecast to 36 hours also available. Choose red box and then accumulated precipitation.NOAA FSL
NGM Model precipitation forecasts: 6-48 hours.NOAA's NGM model productsUnisys
NWS forecasts by state:Colorado, New Mexico, ArizonaChose region from map or pull-down menu.NOAA NWS
NWS forecasts by state:Colorado, New Mexico, ArizonaDifferent selection presentation: Chose from selected regions from pull-down menu.NOAA NWS

oMedium-range Forecasts
Forecasts for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 days of accumulated precipitationFrom the NCEP MRF model. Choose accumulated precipitation from the bottom of the table.NOAA PSD
Week 2 probability plots of precipitationChoose precipitation from menu on left. Shows likelihood of being below normal, above normal and normal from the NCEP ensemble modelNOAA PSD
6-10 days US precipitation forecast.Click on 2nd plot (precipitation) for legible version.NOAA CPC
8-14 days US precipitation forecast.Click on 2nd plot (precipitation) for legible version.NOAA CPC
6-10 and 8-14 days US precipitation text forecast and discussion.Why forecast was made plus some regional discussion.NOAA CPC
10 day precipitation outlooks for the US. Other regions and variables available including temperature and soil moisture.From the NCEP Medium Range forecast modelCOLA

oLong-range Forecasts
Monthly precipitation outlook plot and text discussion.Click on bottom plot for large versionNOAA CPC
Seasonal forecasts (.5 to 12.5 months).Click on title for plot of forecast. Precipitation is 2nd plot and can be clicked on for larger version. Historic skill of forecast and "normal" values plus an indication of standard deviation, and probability of excedence or likelihood precipitation will be above or below normal are also available. A discussion on the meaning of probability is also available.NOAA CPC

oHistoric Data and Plots
Station data: Get/view us station data.Choose timeseries for one station or contour for viewing area at one time.Data generally costs $$. Vast amounts of other datasets and climate information available if you can ever figure out the webpage.
US Climate Division DataObtain climatologies and past data for each of the 344 climate divisions in the US. Choose US Climate Division data, the precipitation and climatology..NOAA PSD

Western States station climate information for Colorado, Arizona and New MexicoChoose favorite city. Left hand column lists various products available including monthly averages and similar statistics, daily averages and historic range, probability of precipitation by duration or amount.WRCC
US climate division climatologies.Choose precipitation, month (or season) and climatology for type of plot.PSD
US Climate Division ClimatologiesChoose type of plot equals climatology. Climate shown is 1950-1995.
US Climate Division DataObtain climatologies and past data for each of the 344 climate divisions in the US. Choose US Climate Division data, the precipitation and climatology..NOAA PSD
NCEP Reanalysis Model ClimatologiesChoose type of plot equals longterm mean. Climate shown is 1968-1995. Many other variables availableNOAA PSD
US Station Climatolgies Shows precipitation and temperature throughout a year at 712 stations in the US via a clickable map or a text menu.Output is a plotNOAA PSD

oHistorical Precipitation Relationships (e.g. ENSO)
Seasonal Precipitation "risk plots" during ENSO events for the USGives historical likelihood of a dry or wet season given an El Nino of La Nina event.NOAA PSD
Correlationsof different atmospheric and oceanic timeseries like the PDO and the AO with precipitation in climate divisions over the US.Choose season/month, time range and index timeseries. Shows historic linear relationship.NOAA PSD
Correlations of different atmospheric and oceanic timeseries like the PDO and the AO with model output precipitation over the globe or any user defined region.Many Other variables available. Choose season/month, time range and index timeseries. Shows historic linear relationship.NOAA PSD
SOI and western US precipitation relationships by cityExamines the relationship between precipitation and ENSO for western US cities. Shows how different events have similar and dissimilar results. Looks at different seasons and different lead relationships.WRCC
SOI and western US precipitation relationships by regionExamines the relationship between precipitation and ENSO for the western US. Shows how different events have similar and dissimilar results. Looks at different seasons and different lead relationships.WRCC