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Custom time series directions

Note: I recently found out that the FTP files are deleted after 2 days. If this is a problem please email me. I am looking into ways of changing this.

To use your own time series, you currently have three options. You can place the file at your own http site. You can place it on your own anonymous ftp site. Or, you can ftp the file to PSD. The first two options are best if you can do it because you have more control over the file and can delete it, change it or add to it easily. The files should be text and in the format

year1   yearend
year1   janval febval marval aprval mayval junval julval augval sepval octval novval decval
year2   etc.
yearend janval febval marval aprval mayval junval julval augval sepval octval novval decval
Note that years should be 4 digit integers. There should be at least one space between values. If a value is missing or not defined, use a missing value (in other words, there should be 12 times the number of years of data. The missing value should be outside the range of data. If you have no missing value, you must put a missing value anyway at the end of the file (say, -999.) that is not in the data range.

You can also ftp the file to PSD. Type ftp and use anonymous as the login name. Please the file in /Public/incoming/timeseries/.

To specify the filenames, for http, use
For ftp, use
For files placed at PSD, use
Make sure the full path is specified and is spelled EXACTLY as shown or you will get an error.

I am hoping to use additional methods in the future. One would allow users to open a window and cut and past a time series to the window. The other would read a local file (e.g. from your system) and thus you would not have to have the ability to publish to http or have an anonymous ftp directory. If you know how to do these things, I would appreciate help.