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HIV sequence database


Purpose: HIValign takes one or more nucleotide sequences in any standard format and aligns them to our curated alignments via the appropriate Hidden Markov Model, or aligns them using multiple sequence alignment by the multiple alignment program MAFFT.

Usage: Paste your sequence(s) into the space provided, or browse for your file. Then, you may choose options and select an appropriate hidden Markov model.

Explanation: below

Paste your sequence(s)
[Sample Input]
Or upload your sequence file
Select the HMM Model
Select region

Always e-mail result
Align the sequences By Hmm-align By MAFFT
Codon-Align the sequences        Allow codons to compensate frameshift
Insert a reference sequence         (HXB2 for HIV-1, or SIVMM239 for HIV-2 and SIV)
Translate to amino acid

Note: This program is computationally intensive and may take a while to run. Please don't resubmit your request!

Explanation: HIValign was developed mainly from a implementation of HMMER package. There are five options:

HIValign attempts to automatically recognize the format of your input file by using Format Conversion. The result page summarizes the running parameters and information about input, and gives you the alignment of the region which the input touched or you selected , and allows you to download the alignment in different formats, and uses result alignment to do TreeMaker or FindModel program.

Aligning large size sequences is a computationally intensive procedure. Currently, input file which is pre-aligned and smaller than 500 Kb for the user selected model is run immediately; if your input file exceeds the limit, or checks 'Align' option , or uses the model by program decide , your job will be run in batch, and you will receive an email when it has finished. The email contains link to your results.


last modified: Tue Mar 17 11:14 2009

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