Hepatitis C Virus DATABASES

The Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Database Project was initially funded by the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The HCV database group strives to present HCV-associated, hand-annotated genetic data in a userfriendly way, by providing access to the central database via web-accessible search interfaces and supplying a number of analysis tools.

This project is deeply indebted to the HIV Database Group, led by Dr. Bette Korber, for much of its tools, infrastructure and philosophy; the two databases continue to collaborate closely and to share software and resources.

Sequence Database Immunology Database

News Archived News

Site unavailable Sat Aug 29 2009 7:00am-5:00pm MDT
Because of major electrical work beyond our control, www.hcv.lanl.gov and related sites will not be available on
Sat Aug 29 2009 7:00am-5:00pm MDT. 26 August 2009

Good news! The new HCV database is now available, including new sequences, new annotation and a new search interface. The new database will be updated continuously and annotated as much as possible. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of Roche Pharmaceuticals for this work. The new search interface gives access to many more fields and uses a "flip-open" design to hide fields that are not needed for your search. There may be some small bugs we haven't found while testing; if you find a problem, please let us know. As always, suggestions for improvement are welcome. 05 August 2009

Citing these databases:
HCV sequence database: Kuiken C, Yusim K, Boykin L, Richardson R. The Los Alamos HCV Sequence Database. Bioinformatics(2005), 21(3):379-84.

HCV immunology database: Yusim K, Richardson R, Tao N, Szinger J, Funkhouser R, Korber B, Kuiken C. The Los Alamos Hepatitis C Immunology Database. Applied Bioinformatics 2005;4(4).

Questions or comments? Contact us at hcv-info@lanl.gov