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Division of Cancer
Prevention and Control
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Prep Plus

Prep Plus is a program for the central registry that receives North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR)-formatted abstracts from Abstract Plus or any hospital-based software that can produce the NAACCR record format, and incorporates them into the central database. Prep Plus—

  • Logs in abstracts and begins a tracking system for incoming records
  • Applies standard NAACCR edit checks
  • Allows further visual inspection of submitted records and error correction
  • Produces edit reports for transmission back to the facility submitting the data
  • Allows incorporation of locally defined processing options

Prep Plus is not available for download from this site. Central registries interested in obtaining the program should contact for more information.

Future Plans

  • Add functionality to the query tracking database and link it to CRS Plus
  • Notify facilities of errors in submitted bundles and allow facilities to view and correct errors online
  • Implement usability enhancements

The Prep Plus Development Priority List is a list of development tasks prioritized by the NPCR Registry Plus development team. Each task is the direct result of meetings with the Registry Plus User Group (RPUG) as well as requests from individual cancer registries and leaders in the cancer registry field. For more information on Registry Plus or RPUG, please contact

Prep Plus Development Priority List (updated October 24, 2008)
Completed Tasks
Added a collaborative staging calculation option setting to the user interface
Fixed a text editing bug
Upgraded to NAACCR versions 10.2 and 11
Added site-specific surgery lookup
Added table title and subtitle to collaborative staging lookups
Updated standard databases for NAACCR 11.2 version
Made the Contents and the Search items under the Help menu function
Remaining Task Priority Percentage
Clean up tracking database and create reports based on it 1 25%
Merge databases In Process into Prep Plus and Catvals into Controls 2 90%
Convert to VB.NET (version 2.0) 3 35%
Implement professional usability standardization 4 0%
Write user documentation and update online help 5 5%

 Related Links
  • Abstract Plus
  • CRS Plus
  • Link Plus
  • Web Plus
  • Mapper Plus
  • Online Help
  • Utility Programs
  • Royalty-free License
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Technical Support

  • Page last reviewed: October 24, 2008
    Page last updated: October 24, 2008
    Content source: Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
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