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QT-P35. Poverty Status in 1999 of Families and Nonfamily Householders: 2000
Geographic Area: Norfolk County)
[Data based on a sample. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions, see text]


Poverty Status

All income levels

Below poverty status
Percent below poverty status

         Families 166,826 4,824 2.9%
With related children under 18 years 83,172 3,408 4.1%
   With related children under 5 years 32,461 1,467 4.5%
Householder worked in 1999 134,986 2,202 1.6%
   Full-time, year-round 101,060 418 0.4%
Householder 65 years and over 31,524 619 2.0%
Family received:      
   Supplementary Security Income (SSI) and/or public assistance income in 1999 6,436 831 12.9%
   Social Security income in 1999 38,728 599 1.5%
Mean income deficit (dollars) 7,037 (X) (X)
         Married-couple families 137,423 2,314 1.7%
With related children under 18 years 68,767 1,309 1.9%
   With related children under 5 years 28,822 625 2.2%
Householder worked in 1999 113,885 999 0.9%
   Full-time, year-round 87,634 276 0.3%
Householder 65 years and over 24,819 497 2.0%
Family received:      
   Supplementary Security Income (SSI) and/or public assistance income in 1999 3,792 180 4.7%
   Social Security income in 1999 29,940 384 1.3%
Mean income deficit (dollars) 6,695 (X) (X)
         Families with female householder, no husband present 22,388 2,190 9.8%
With related children under 18 years 11,855 1,886 15.9%
   With related children under 5 years 2,937 769 26.2%
Householder worked in 1999 15,787 1,048 6.6%
   Full-time, year-round 9,623 84 0.9%
Householder 65 years and over 5,172 95 1.8%
Family received:      
   Supplementary Security Income (SSI) and/or public assistance income in 1999 2,187 596 27.3%
   Social Security income in 1999 6,446 147 2.3%
Mean income deficit (dollars) 7,489 (X) (X)
         Nonfamily householder 82,075 8,904 10.8%
Below 150 percent of poverty level 16,000 (X) (X)
         Families below:      
150 percent of poverty level 9,301 (X) (X)
185 percent of poverty level 13,203 (X) (X)
   With related children under 18 years 8,361 (X) (X)
      With related children under 5 years 3,300 (X) (X)

Date: July 7, 2006
(X) Not applicable.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census 200 Summary File 3, Matrices, P90, P91, P92, P93, PCT59, PCT60, and PCT61.
  • Page last reviewed December 31, 2008
  • Page last updated December 31, 2008
  • Content source: CDC Emergency Communication System (ECS), Division of Health Communication and Marketing (DHCM), National Center for Health Marketing (NCHM) The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
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