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Skip Navigation LinksInternal Audit : Got Controls : Self Assessment

Maricopa County has developed two Control Self-Assessment (CSA) Workshops that are presented to targeted groups of County employees. During the first part of the workshops, participants are educated on internal controls and what should exist within their departments/functions. Then, the participants assess themselves and develop their own action plan as necessary. After an initial run of 4 to 6 workshops, each workshop is now held about twice a year.

The workshops include a PowerPoint presentation and a humorous video showing county leadership performing various functions improperly and then again using proper controls. Group exercises, case studies, and participant workbooks are also used in the workshop.

Internal Control Toolbox Hammer

In addition to our CSA workshops, these tools have proven to facilitate a more complete and thorough audit. They can also be helpful for our clients when doing a self-assessment of their own controls.

Information Technology Controls Questionnaire Toolbox with computer mouse

This questionnaire is designed to help the user identify weak control areas relating to the organization's information technology. By identifying weak areas within the organization, efforts can be made to strengthen the weaknesses providing more confidence in the data integrity.
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