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October 13, 2009 10:00 a.m.
Entrepreneur Office Hours More»

October 15, 2009 5:00 p.m.
Innovation Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony More»

October 15, 2009 5:30 p.m.
White Symposium on Engineering Innovation More»

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Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech) - Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech) - Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech)

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  • Educate the next generation of technology entrepreneurs;

  • Create successful technology ventures; and

  • Connect Maryland companies with university
    resources to help them succeed.

Bring us your great ideas, your challenges, your
desire to learn...

At the Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech),
we focus on two things: possibilities and results. We offer
programs, courses, workshops and competitions to help
aspiring entrepreneurs learn how to bring their ideas
and products to the world. We help faculty, student, and
regional entrepreneurs create successful ventures. We help companies solve vital challenges and develop top-selling products that improve and save lives by connecting them with resources to succeed.

Our results: among our core programs, we have had a
$19.6 billion impact on the Maryland economy since 1983.
Top-selling products such as MedImmune’s Synagis®,
which protects infants from a deadly respiratory disease,
and Hughes Communications’ HughesNet®, which brings
satellite-based, high-speed Internet access to the world,
were developed through or enhanced by our programs.
Billion dollar companies such as Martek Biosciences and
Digene Corporation graduated from our incubator.

Read more about Mtech»

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University of Maryland Technology Boot Camp
Entrepreneurs: Opportunity is Knocking at the UM Technology Startup Boot Camp!

Whether you have an idea, an early stage venture or just want to learn how to start a company, the University of Maryland Technology Start-Up Boot Camp is full of opportunities for you.

New for 2009: Specialized tracks for beginning, biotechnology, and high-tech entrepreneurs!

University of Maryland Technology Boot Camp
Mtech to Establish Living-Learning Entrepreneurship Program for Academically Talented Freshman and Sophomore Students

Starting in the fall of 2010, academically talented freshman and sophomore students at the University of Maryland interested in living together and learning how to start their own companies will have a new opportunity: the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program.

Patricia Campbell
Maryland Intellectual Property Legal Resource Center Moves to UM

The Maryland Intellectual Property Legal Resource Center (MIPLRC), which offers free legal services on intellectual property and related matters to entrepreneurs and emerging technology companies and explores relevant legal, ethical and policy issues in the high technology and intellectual property areas, is moving to the University of Maryland, College Park on September 1.

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©2009 Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute, A. James Clark School of Engineering, University of Maryland. All rights reserved.

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