Northeast Region, Boston

Guide to Archival Holdings at NARA's Northeast Region, Waltham (Boston)


Adjutant General's Office, 1917- RG 407
Administration on Aging RG 439
Aging, Administration on RG 439
Agricultural Marketing Service RG 136
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service RG 145
American Revolution Bicentennial Administration RG 452
Army Air Forces RG 18
Army Coast Artillery Districts and Defenses, 1901-1942 RG 392
Army Commands, U.S. RG 338
Army Staff RG 319
Attorneys, United States RG 118
Aviation Administration, Federal RG 237

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Bicentennial Administration, American Revolution RG 452
Buildings Service, Public RG 121
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery RG 52
Bureau of Naval Personnel RG 24

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Chief of Engineers, Office of the RG 77
Chief of Naval Operations RG 38
Chief of Ordnance, Office of the RG 156
Chief of Transportation, Office of the RG 336
Chief Signal Officer, Office of the RG 111
Civil and Defense Mobilization, Office of RG 304
Coast Guard, U.S. RG 26
Committee on Fair Employment Practice RG 228
Community Services Administration RG 381
Courts of Appeals, U.S. RG 276
Courts of the United States, District RG 21
Customs Service, U.S. RG 36

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District Courts of the United States RG 21
Donated Materials Groups


Emergency Management Agency, Federal RG 311
Emergency Preparedness, Office of RG 396
Employment and Training Administration RG 369
Engineers, Office of the Chief of RG 77
Environmental Protection Agency RG 412

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Fair Employment Practice, Committee on RG 228
Farm Credit Administration RG 103
Farmers Home Administration RG 96
Federal Aviation Administration RG 237
Federal Emergency Management Agency RG 311
Federal Highway Administration RG 406
Federal Property Resources Service RG 291
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration RG 382
Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. RG 22
Food Administration, U.S. RG 4
Food and Consumer Services RG 462
Forest Service RG 95

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General Services Administration RG 269
Geological Survey, U.S. RG 57


Health Service, Public, 1912-1968 RG 90
Highway Administration, Federal RG 406
Housing Expediter, Office of the RG 252


Immigration and Naturalization Service RG 85
Information Resources Management Service RG 352
Interior, Office of the Secretary of the RG 48
Internal Revenue Service RG 58

J, K, L

Labor Relations Board, National RG 25


Marine Corps, U.S. RG 127
Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of RG 41
Medicine and Surgery, Bureau of RG 52

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National Labor Relations Board RG 25
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration RG 370
National Park Service RG 79
National Recovery Administration RG 9
National Resources Planning Board RG 187
National War Labor Board (World War II) RG 202
National Youth Administration RG 119
Natural Resources Conservation Service RG 114
Naval Districts and Shore Establishments RG 181
Naval Operations, Chief of RG 38
Naval Personnel, Bureau of RG 24

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Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National RG 370
Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization RG 304
Office of Emergency Preparedness RG 396
Office of Price Administration RG 188
Office of Scientific Research and Development RG 227
Office of the Chief of Engineers RG 77
Office of the Chief of Ordnance RG 156
Office of the Chief of Transportation RG 336
Office of the Chief Signal Officer RG 111
Office of the Housing Expediter RG 252
Office of the Quartermaster General RG 92
Office of the Surgeon General (Army) RG 112
Ordnance, Office of the Chief of RG 156

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Park Service, National RG 79
Petroleum Administration for War RG 253
Post Office Department RG 28
Price Administration, Office of RG 188
Property Resources Service, Federal RG 291
Public Buildings Service RG 121
Public Health Service, 1912-1968 RG 90
Public Roads, Bureau of RG 30


Quartermaster General, Office of the RG 92


Reconstruction Finance Corporation RG 234
Recovery Administration, National RG 9
Regional Committees and Commissions RG 414
Research and Special Programs Administration (Transportation) RG 467
Resources Planning Board, National RG 187

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Scientific Research and Development, Office of RG 227
Secretary of the Interior, Office of the RG 48
Selective Service System, 1940- RG 147
Selective Service System (World War I) RG 163
Shipping Board, U.S. RG 32
Signal Officer, Office of the Chief RG 111
Small Business Administration RG 309
Solid Fuels Administration for War RG 245
Surgeon General (Army), Office of the RG 112


Transportation, Office of the Chief of RG 336


United States Attorneys RG 118


Veterans Administration RG 15

W, X, Y, Z

Wage and Hour Division RG 155
Wage and Salary Stabilization Boards of the Economic Stabilization Agency RG 293
War Assets Administration RG 270
War Department General and Special Staffs RG 165
War Labor Board (World War II), National RG 202
War Manpower Commission RG 211
Water Pollution Control Administration, Federal RG 382
Work Projects Administration RG 69
Weather Bureau RG 27
Yards and Docks, Bureau of RG 71
Youth Administration, National RG 119

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