Rule 32: Form of Briefs, Appendices, and Other Pleadings

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(a) Format. Briefs, appendices, and other papers must be printed or typewritten, and may be produced by any copying process that produces a clear black image on white opaque paper; onion skin paper is not permitted except for papers sent by international mail. Pages must be letter size (8 ½ by 11 inches), with margins at least one inch wide from all edges, and with type or print on only one side of the page. See also Rule 6 (Protection of Privacy).

(b) Type; Spacing. If a proportionally spaced typeface is used, it must be 13-point or larger. If a monospaced typeface is used, it must not contain more than 10½ characters per inch. Text must be double spaced (except that motions and responses under Rule 27(c) may be single spaced), but quotations more than two lines long and footnotes may be single spaced. The parties may not use photo reproduction that reduces print size smaller than the size required by this subsection. This subsection does not apply to pages of an appendix that are legible, unreduced photocopies of documents.

(c) Covers. Covers are not required on briefs or appendices but, if used, they should be blue for the appellant, red for the Secretary, green for an amicus curiae or an intervenor, gray for any reply brief, and white for an appendix if separate from the brief. See Form 2 (Sample Brief Cover).

(d) Binding. All papers, including any Record of Proceedings, that contain 30 or fewer pages must be must be stapled at the upper left-hand corner. All papers, including any Record of Proceedings, that contain more than 30 pages must be bound on the left side in a manner that fully secures the pages, does not obscure the text, and allows the document to lie flat (for example, spiral binding).

(e) Caption. A paper addressed to the Court must contain a caption setting forth the name of the Court, the Court's case number when assigned, the title of the case, and a brief heading indicating the purpose of the paper.

(f) Page Numbers. Pages must be numbered in the center of the bottom margin, using Arabic numerals for the pages subject to the page limitation and lower case Roman numerals for the table of contents, tables of citations, certificate of service, and any appendix containing statutes, rules, regulations, and unpublished authorities.

(g) Length and Copies.

(1) Normal Course. Except by permission of the Court or as limited by Rule 47, principal briefs may not exceed 30 pages and reply briefs may not exceed 15 pages, not counting the table of contents; the table of citations; any appendix containing superseded statutes, rules, and regulations, and unpublished authorities; and the certificate of service. An original and three copies of all papers must be filed with the Clerk, but the Court may require that additional copies be furnished. But see Rule 25 (fax filings).

(2) Contingency Planning. See Rule 37 for responsibilities of parties regarding maintaining copies of papers submitted to the Court for use in the event that the Court cannot access its regular files.

(h) Identification. The signature, printed name, address, and telephone number of the representative of record (see Rule 46(d)(1)) or of a self-represented party must appear on a brief or other document submitted for filing to the Clerk.

(1) Noncompliance. See Rule 45(k).

Chief Judge
William P. Greene, Jr., of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (USCAVC) welcomes you to the Court's  website.  Please send your suggestions and comments regarding the site to