
Public Programs Calendar

These programs are held at our Chicago, Illinois facility unless otherwise indicated.


Advance registration is encouraged to guarantee a seat will be available for you. Groups and classes can be accommodated by special arrangement.

You can register in-person or by contacting us:

April 2009

Title:  Lincoln: A Life of Purpose and Power
Date:   Thursday, April 16, 2009
Time:   6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Place:   National Archives - Great Lakes Region
Fees:   This event is free to the public.

In recognition of the 2009 bicentennial celebration of Abraham Lincoln's birth, Professor Richard Carwardine, University of Oxford, will discuss his recent book, Lincoln: A Life of Purpose and Power. Copies of Professor Carwardine's book will be available for purchase and signing.

May 2009

Title:  Using Court Records to Find Local and Family History
Date:   Saturday, May 9, 2009
Time:   10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Place:   National Archives - Great Lakes Region
Fees:   $10.00

Archivists from the Great Lakes Region and the Circuit Court of Cook County Archives will give an overview of how court records can be used to uncover a wealth of information about people's lives as well as the social, legal and economic issues that brought them to court.

July 2009

Title:  Primarily Teaching Workshop
Date:   Monday - Friday, July 13 - 17, 2009
Time:   8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Place:   National Archives - Great Lakes Region
Fees:   $100.00

Teachers, librarians, archivists, and museum educators are invited to register for the second annual Primarily Teaching workshop at the National Archives-Great Lakes Region. The week-long workshop provides a varied program of lectures, demonstrations, analysis of documents, independent research, and group work that introduces participants to the National Archives' primary resources. More about Primarily Teaching workshops

August 2009

Title:  African-American Genealogical Research
Date:   Saturday, August 8, 2009
Time:   10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Place:   National Archives - Great Lakes Region
Fees:   $10.00

Renowned lecturer, author, and genealogist, Tony Burroughs, will present a program on African-American family history research. Mr. Burroughs will address the special challenges presented to those researching African-Americans. Information on finding federal records relating to African-Americans will be discussed.

October 2009

Title:  12th Annual Civil War Symposium
Date:   Saturday, October 3, 2009
Time:   9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Place:   The Cantigny First Division Museum, Wheaton, Illinois 60187

The Symposium presentations include:

  • John Brown and the Attack on Harpers Ferry
    Paul Finkleman, Albany Law School
  • Lincoln and His High Command
    John F. Marszalek, Mississippi State University
  • Abraham Lincoln as War President
    James M. McPherson, Princeton University
  • Lincoln and His Admirals
    Craig L. Symonds, United States Naval Academy

The Commanding General's Mounted Color Guard from Fort Riley, Kansas at the 11th Annual Civil War Symposium. Photo courtesy of the First Division Museum.

Living History re-enactors portraying soldiers and civilians will interact with Symposium participants. Meet Abraham Lincoln and Harriet Tubman. See a Civil War cannon fire or watch a Civil War surgeon at work. The Commanding General's Mounted Color Guard from the First Infantry Division at Fort Riley, Kansas, will drill. Fun, educational activities for children and adults alike will be available. Outdoor activities are free to the public. Teachers can earn continuing education credits through the First Division Museum.


General Public:   $40.00
Teachers/Civil War Round Table Members:   $20.00
Students, Senior Citizens (60+), Veterans and Active Duty Military:   $10.00
Teachers can earn continuing education credits.

November 2009

Title:  Preparing Your Historical Research for Publication
Date:   Saturday, November 14, 2009
Time:   10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Place:   National Archives - Great Lakes Region
Fees:   $10.00

This workshop will focus on communicating effectively. It will include a discussion of essential writing skills, such as organization, documentation, effective word choice, and clarity. M. Teresa Baer and Rachel M. Popma, editors at the Indiana Historical Society Press, will also discuss larger issues with writing projects, such as defining your purpose, setting your scope, writing to your audience, and choosing the best format for the presentation of different kinds of materials.

Earn Credit for Attending

We're licensed by the Illinois and Indiana State Boards of Education to award continuing education credits to teachers for professional development.

For more information, please contact us.

Gift Fund

Contributions to our Gift Fund are greatly appreciated.

The National Archives Gift Fund accepts financial contributions for purchases, not otherwise possible, of microfilm and reference materials. These tax deductible donations facilitate research for individuals visiting the Great Lakes Region.

For more information about Gift Fund donations, contact:

Director, Archival Operations
National Archives and Records Administration-Great Lakes Region
7358 South Pulaski Road
Chicago, IL 60629-5898
Phone:   (773) 948-9001
Fax:   (773) 948-9050
E-mail:   chicago.archives@nara.gov

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