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Environmental Compliance Monitoring Program

The MMS Environmental Compliance Monitoring Program was developed to ensure environmentally sound operations.  This established program is designed to determine industry conformity with environmental laws, regulations, lease stipulations, and project mitigations.  Environmental monitoring provides for environmental protection by ensuring implementation of mitigation measures, identifying needed changes to mitigation to improve effectiveness in protecting coastal and marine resources, and understanding the changing environment. 

Program Goals

  1. Prevent irreversible environmental damage associated with OCS oil & gas operations.
  2. Verify that implementation of environmental protection measures imposed/proposed for project impacts actually occurred as designed/intended.
  3. Provide feedback to MMS staff and decision makers regarding the effectiveness of the measures so that improvements may be implemented (Adaptive Management).

The Pacific OCS Region currently employs a 3-tiered environmental compliance monitoring program that includes MMS Regional and District Office field presence, industry responsibility and environmental monitoring studies. 

Pacific Region Environmental Compliance Monitoring Environmental and safety inspectors in the field and office monitor new projects and on-going operations for compliance with laws, regulations and project specific environmental protection measures.

Industry Mitigation Compliance Monitoring Plans
The Pacific Region requires applicants to provide Mitigation Compliance Monitoring Plans for conditions of approval for new projects.

Pacific Region Environmental Monitoring Studies
Pacific Region scientists and contractors conduct environmental monitoring studies.

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Web Master: Nollie Gildow-Owens
Page content last updated 01/27/2009
Page last published 001/27/2009